Daggers and Draggers

105 7 14

Well...this was awkward...

Nothing was said for a moment as Madame Pom looked between the model and this newcomer. She raised a brow as her eyes took a closer look at the young lady that stood before her.

She was unlike any other girl she's ever seen before, the model thought. She wore clothes that looked like they came out of a thrift store. Her hair screamed bubbly and cheerful. Pink: too bright of a color. Madame Pom did not even want to start at the excess pink glitter that seemed to be on her hands. Was she working on an art project or was part of a kindergarten session?

If she is who she thinks she is, she was definitely not impressed...

"My! I did not know you were bringing a...guest..." Madame Pom offered a sudden chuckle as she looked back at Russell, "You could have said something earlier, dearie!"

"I guess I lost track of time..." Russell apologized, bringing his attention back to their guest, "Madame Pom, this is Minka!" He introduced, "She's the one I've been telling you about!"

In return, the pink haired girl offered a grin back, extending a glittery hand out, "Hi! I've heard sooo much about you!" She began, "Well, I actually never heard of you till yesterday, but I've still heard so much about you! Crazy to think I'd be meeting you so soon! I'm Minka, by the way!"

Madame Pom flatly chuckled as she quickly shook the hand. "Marvelous..." she muttered as she pulled out a wipe from her back pocket, quick to remove the glitter that had stuck to her hand.

"Anyways, I can't wait to show you the set!" Russell's grin returned as he gazed over at Minka, "You're gonna love the sets they've chosen! Maybe some of it will inspire you for your next piece?"

"Piece? Oh yeah!" Minka paused, "I've always wanted to see a real modeling set!"

"Ah, so you're the...painter then, yes?" Madame Pom asked.

"Yup! Just your average A!...uh...M?" The pink haired girl responded sheepishly. "Because...I'm Minka?" Her grin only widened, Pom blinking in disbelief.

Her? The model thought once more. That's the heavily praised artist she's heard so much about?

Russell couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm pretty sure you've already established that..."

"Yeah! Right!" Minka stammered, "Sorry, I guess it's awesome to be able to meet a model from uh... sorry, where are you from again?"

Madame Pom let out a huff, unabashedly glaring at her for a split second before her gaze landed back on Russell, "Anyways, I believe we have to get going now, darling." She said,her eyes still focused on him, completely ignoring Minka's question, "We really shouldn't keep them waiting!"

"Right! Let's get going!" Russell nodded as he followed Madame Pom out, Minka looking back. Unsure of what to do, the pink haired girl peeked out of the room, noticing Madame Pom suddenly stopped, letting out a loud sigh.

"That means you too, dearie."

Minka let out a giggle, "I totally knew that!" She said as she quickly followed them.

Although Minka had been giving her usual cheery grin on the outside, the pink haired girl felt a pit in her stomach, an uneasy feeling filling up little by little. She could tell by the side glances the older model was giving her that perhaps not all was right in that brain of hers...


Soon, day turned into night as Downtown City High's charity ball was in full swing. Though the event was not as formal  and extravagant as the fall formal, people walked around, dressed up to fit the occasion.

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