Unjust Discipline

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Unsympathetic V and P, mouthsoaping, and one singular spank to surprise Logan into opening his mouth.


The first time, Virgil had gotten upset at a comment he said was rude.

"What do you mean? I was just giving you pointers-"

"You made me feel like I was an idiot, like you always do!" Virgil had exclaimed, attracting Patton.

"What's going on, you two?" Patton asked, smiling slightly as if to try and appease the situation.

Logan sighed in relief. Patton would help. "I tried to help Virgil with something, but he took it the wrong way."

"He made me think I was an IDIOT!" Virgil shoved his hand toward Logan, and Patton frowned deeply.

"Logan, what did you say?"

"I just said that Virgil was acting a little too impulsive, and we needed to be more careful helping Thomas."

Patton sighed, and Virgil tugged at his hair.

"Your tone basically said I was too stupid to make decisions like this!!"

Patton tutted at Logan a bit. "You know, I have let your mouth slide for long enough."

The teacher side blinked, eyebrows furrowing. "What?"

Patton grabbed Logan by the arm and started roughly dragging him to the bathroom, causing Logan's eyes to widen.

"What are you doing-"

Virgil followed quickly, expression excited. He was excited to watch this.

Patton bent Logan over the sink and hummed, turning on the water before grabbing the bar of soap.

"You pull stunts all the time like this, Logan. You yell, talk back, and say say very rude things. Now I think I should start punishing you for it."

Logan watched Patton lather the soap up, lips clamping shut immediately. He was confused, but something told him that he really shouldn't open his mouth, even when Patton told him to.

"You're not going to listen?" Patton asked, before sighing.

He raised a hand and struck Logan's bottom, causing the logical side to gasp (horror? surprise? pain?) and open his mouth a little.

Patton immediately forced the bar into Logan's mouth, causing him to whimper and try and spit it out.

Patton forced it to stay in his mouth. "Don't you dare spit it out, you know you deserve to be punished."

Logan whined and felt tears spill a bit down his cheeks as Patton forced his mouth to stay open and started thoroughly rubbing the suds all around his mouth. He felt soap scrape off on his teeth, and he wanted to curl up in a hole and never come out.

Patton finally pulled the soap out and dropped it into the sink. "Now, look at yourself in the mirror. Don't spit. This is what is going to happen every time I hear anything remotely rude come out of your mouth. Say sorry to Virgil, and then you can rinse your mouth."

Logan gave a small sob, before speaking behind the bubbles, "Sorry Virgil..."

He wanted to hide forever from the slight muffle in his voice from the suds.

Virgil smirked a bit. "Just don't be mean again."

Logan quickly washed his mouth free of soap with the water, before grabbing a toothbrush and toothpaste to try and get the taste out. He wasn't a child, he wasn't Patton's child, and even if he was- this was wrong.

He just hoped that this was the last time that happened- and if Patton did decide he needed punishing again, it wouldn't be this.

Logan hated being humiliated like that.

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