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Part of the Head Injury AU again!

Virgil punches himself is the only warning

I'm gay btw


Virgil's quiet when Thomas's friends come over.

Usually, Thomas's friends gave Virgil comfort, but tonight, he felt... lost inside his own head. And the talking wasn't helping.

"Are you okay, Virgil?" Valerie had asked, concern obvious in her eyes.

Virgil flashed a grimace, a try at a smile, and nodded. He wasn't, not really, but he didn't want to talk about it. He couldn't even speak right now, not through the blockage he felt in his throat. Keeping thoughts and words in...

"You can tell someone if you're not okay..." She reassured him.

'No, I really can't.' He thought bitterly, but simply nodded again.

It started with tugging on his hair.

When the first friend, Camden, said he had to leave, Virgil was getting visibly agitated. Again, he nodded to show he was okay, and watched Camden leave.

Virgil gave a few sharp tugs to his hair.

After a few more friends, it was down to just Thomas, Dominic, and Roman in the room with Virgil.

Virgil was already trying to discreetly chew on the back of his hand for comfort, feeling tears welling up in his eyes out of frustration, panic, everything.

"Are you alright, Virgil?" Roman had asked, voice as royal as ever.

Virgil quickly moved his hand away and nodded. Before the prince could look at his hand, Virgil turned his whole body away and hugged himself on the corner of the couch, watching whatever mindless piece of entertainment was on the television.

Roman loudly sighed, looking upset about not being able to help, and said he was going to head off to bed.

Thomas was taking his turn to sleep on the couch, and so was Virgil.

Dominic leaned backwards a bit.

"You're sure handling this well. To be honest, I didn't believe you when you first told me. Is it weird having them all here?"

"I mean... A little, I guess. But it's nice too. And I always had them around, this is just more..."


Virgil feels like concrete.

Virgil grit his teeth, hand shaking slightly as he tried to calm down, find a way to express what the hell he was feeling, try to get comfort.

But he couldn't speak, and fuck he didn't want Dominic to leave!

Virgil gave a guttural cry and slammed his shaking fist into his thigh, as hard as he could.

Virgil could practically feel the bruise forming as he did it once more, before a hand was grabbing his wrist.

"Woah- Virgil, hey, buddy, you okay?"

Virgil looked up, to see both Thomas and Dominic worried about him. Dominic was holding his wrist, and Thomas was standing right beside him, finger tips close enough to just grab his hand but not touching in case he didn't want it.

Virgil grabbed onto Thomas's hand tightly.

"Can you speak?" Dominic asked.

Virgil shook his head.

"Okay. Take deep breaths for me, okay Virgil?"

Virgil tried to follow what Dominic was saying, and couldn't help the pink dusting his cheeks when Dominic put Virgil's hand to his chest, to follow the breathing that Dominic was showing him to do.

Finally, Virgil calmed down.

"Are you gonna bruise, Virge?" Thomas asked softly.

Virgil flushed in embarrassment and nodded.

"Hey, it's okay. We should probably help you not do that, though..." Thomas said softly.

"Hmm. I can look up coping mechanisms and stuff." Dominic tried to suggest. "Anything to help."

Virgil exhaled shakily. "Th-That... That'd be really... nice..."

Virgil blushed harder when Dominic smiled at him.

"Do you want me to stay the night? Help you guys? I can try setting up something on the floor with blankets and pillows." Dominic offered.

Virgil quickly shook his head, not wanting to inconvenience him any more.

"Well, if you're sure." Dominic stood up with a smile. "I should get going now. I'll see you guys... tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Thomas smiled, giving Dominic a hug and sending him on his way.

"You wanna get changed for bed, Virgil?" Thomas asked, starting to set up the couch for them to sleep on.

"Uh... Can we sleep together? Like... hold me. I wanna be the little spoon."

Thomas smiled. "Sure, let me pull out the couch bed then."

Virgil watched Thomas work for a long moment, before heading into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

He stared blankly at the red blotch now on his thigh when he took off his pants, before putting on his shorts. He was upset they didn't completely cover it, but was happy it still only looked red, maybe a small bit purple.

Virgil headed out the bathroom, crossing his arms.

"I got frustrated. Everyone was leaving, I couldn't talk, I..."

Thomas nodded. "It's okay Virgil. Let's get some sleep, okay?"

Virgil sighed in relief and moved to lay in the couch bed, letting Thomas hold him.

He dreamt about Dominic that night.

He wondered what that meant.

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