A Shift In Power

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The sides hated Patton, so the obvious response was to give power to Logan right? Logan's not dangerous.

Or so they thought.

Okay so

This one shot is panic inducing and there will never ever be abusive Logan again.

Warnings: Blood, nail gore, broken nose, panic attacks, mentions of being buried alive, a kiss is asked for and the person gets punished for saying no but isn't forced to actually kiss them, Unsympathetic/Abusive Logan, Unsympathetic/Abusive Patton, an eating disorder, and telling someone they should die, plus burning with hot coffee.

Did I get all that? If I missed anything, please tell me. This story is probably the darkest in the entire collection.

An alter in my system wrote it. His nickname is Toxicity for a reason.


Injuries are rarely caused by Logan.

It's funny, Roman pondered, as he cleaned up Patton's hand for him. Just a few weeks previous, he would have done anything to be away from Patton. But now, now Patton was the lesser of two evils, the shinier shit in this mess.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me now, kiddo."

Roman took a moment to just breathe. "I did. And I do. But at least you only slapped us. I have to actually bandage you." Of course, it was Patton who clawed at the door locking him in, ruining his nails. But...

Patton watched Roman work, before wincing slightly at a small rough movement Roman made.

"Did you get in trouble for it?" Roman asked tiredly, eyes half lidded.

"Of course." Patton responded. "Are you going to do something about it again? Put Virgil in charge and hope he doesn't do awful things too? Deceit?"

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood for another guilt trip."

Patton paused, before looking up when Logan opened the door.

Roman almost, almost asked for privacy, but he didn't.

"Video." Logan regarded them both coldly.

Roman stood up, face pale and sallow. "Fine."

Patton stared, before standing too. "We still pretending everything is fine, Logan?"

"Everything is fine."

Roman watched the two leave, before rubbing his face and rising up too.

No. It wasn't. And it never would be.


Patton gets the worst of it, and Virgil doesn't really know how to feel about it.

Patton was an abuser, and Virgil (well, possibly Logan) got the worst of it there. It was painful, awful, and Virgil panicked more and more.

Virgil gets the least of it now, though.

Logan is a little more lenient, less hard on him than Roman, than Deceit, than Remus, and especially...

"How often does he hurt you?" Virgil asked one night, staring at the man who ruined him. Harmed him, gaslit him, changed his entire being to conform to exactly what he wanted.

"Often." Patton sighed. "You're happy about that, aren't you? That not only can you do almost any bad you want nowadays, but the person who tried to help you is being hurt over and over. It makes your little dark side heart happy, doesn't it kiddo?"

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