
567 33 22

U!Pat cause I'm salty about the fandom rn


Deceit was sick and tired of Patton hiding behind a bubbly, happy facade. And after today, after snapping at Remus enough to make the other side cry...

Well, Deceit was done with it.


The fatherly side looked up in surprise, before smiling tightly. "Deceit-"

"You need to apologize for hurting Remus's feelings."

"I hurt his feelings?" Patton frowned, playing with his shirt. "I didn't mean to."

"Well, you did. Please apologize to him."

Patton rubbed his arm. "Remus was doing something wrong. I was only scolding him. If he h-"


Patton paused, staring at Deceit.

"... Why do you need me to apologize? You know that I regret it! You know the kind of person I-"

"Because you NEVER apologize! Every time you harm another side, it's someone else's fault. Take responsibility!"

Patton frowned deeper. "Deceit-"

"Do you even care about us?"

Patton blinked.

"... I'm sorry, okay?"

Deceit's lips curled upwards, and he bared his teeth. "Your tone says otherwise, and I can tell when people lie."

Patton crossed his arms.

"Fine. It was Remus's fault. Was that a lie?"

Deceit's nose wrinkled. "... You think it isn't."

Patton turned to what he had been doing before. "Well, kiddo..." He sighed heavily, sounding tired.


"I'm going back to cleaning up the kitchen. Goodnight."

Deceit balled his fists and quickly turned, going back to the dark side.


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