Why Not

537 31 19

Logan is the perfect punching bag

Anyways, U!Pat oops


Logan hadn't expected the slap in the face, but really he should have known something was coming.

Patton had been visibly agitated, ranting about something with Deceit, when he'd gotten close to Logan and-

"Why did you do that-?" Logan had asked immediately, voice slightly hoarse as a hand moved to cup his cheek.

Patton gave a noise, and Logan felt something in the pit of his stomach when he spoke.

"You can't feel it anyway, so why not?"


"Remus threw the ninja star at you and you didn't feel it, so."

Logan tried to come up with a reasonable way to explain what he was feeling.

Patton was starting to mumble about Deceit again, steadily growing louder.

Logan felt like his heart would pound out of his chest.

Patton had every right to an outlet, Logan knew that. But was that okay?

Logan touched his cheek again.

The second time, Patton shoved him into the wall.

Logan grit his teeth a bit when his back smacked into the wall, but he kept a calm composure as Patton ranted, raved, and hit him over and over.

Logan didn't know what he was supposed to do, really. After enough hits, it definitely started to feel... something.

"I don't like when you hit me." Logan finally brought up after a few more of Patton's... cathartic sessions.

Patton immediately looked offended.

"But you can't even feel it!" He complained. "It makes me feel better! Why are you trying to take that away?"

Logan opened and closed his mouth.

He had no clue, honestly. He just knew it was sickening, he felt awful whenever Patton chose to hurt him instead of confront his feelings in healthier ways.

"I- I'm sorry." Logan didn't know why those words left his mouth. "I suppose since it makes you feel better..."

And so the beatings continued, and Logan felt worse.

Logan had no clue why he felt bad either. Logan was now Patton's punching bag, and while the only pain Logan felt was an unfamiliar ache every so often in his chest, it was... Unpleasant at best.

But after the first time Logan brought it up, he was sure bringing it up again would just make Patton upset, and Logan more confused as to why he hated this.

And his body continued to ache on the inside, even as painless bruises blossomed on his skin only to disappear once he put the effort into it minutes later.

Because why not?

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