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This is both an OC and a Theory thing

Okay so we definitely know that Character!Thomas has depression, it's been said enough times- most recently I think was SVS, and Logan said it, plus Thomas Sanders doesn't do the whole "oh that gives me depression" jokes (and again, Logan said it, the least likely to joke about something like that.)

I also subscribe to the theory that there's two sides left; Pink and Orange.

Now, Orange could be a multitude of things, Depression could even be orange- though I think they're Pink.

Pink is a very safe color, something warm, one of Thomas's favorite colors, etc. Something you'd trust.

Depression is easy to listen to, easy to find comfort in being sad, and if you've ever seen Big Mouth, very... seductive, in its own way.

Depression could also disguise itself, and I always liked the idea of them disguising themself as Virgil, but also just disguising themself as a "light" side- they even have a light color.

Now onto my OC portion, I named them Depressi instead of saying out the full name Depression (and I don't remember if I name named them but anyways)

Causing Thomas pain is a thing they enjoy because Depression is ALL bad. Unlike Anxiety and Remus (who is not ONLY Intrusive Thoughts but Imagination among other things), there is no good part of Depression.

And I do want a true, full blooded bad guy one day that everyone can agree is a bad guy but also make AUs where they aren't.

Also here's a snippet of a story I wanted to write at one point then never got to about Depressi under the cut so you can see them in action lol

(also there's Loceit cause I've always been gay)


Thomas was tired.

His sides kept arguing about this, about the wedding or the callback, wedding or callback, Thomas or his friends, who meant more, who-

"I don't want to do this anymore!"

Thomas didn't recognize that he was the one yelling until everyone was quiet, even Deceit.

Deceit looked like he was just as worried as the rest, but Thomas didn't trust him.

Thomas didn't even trust Patton right now.

Thomas worried about heaven and hell, selfish or selfless, too much. It was all too much.


Patton's voice made Thomas sick. Or maybe it wasn't really Patton's voice, but his own voice, something that sounded so much like...

"I want to stop this... I want to go back to the living room..."

Thomas hid his face in his arms, trembling as he felt their surroundings change back to the living room, Logan and Deceit together.

Virgil said something about Deceit needing to go, but Thomas just raised a hand to make him stop.

"... I'm not going to either."

"Wh-What? But- but what about the callback!" Roman was being desperate, Thomas could hear it in his voice, and he could hear it when Patton spoke at the same time, but what about Mary-Lee and Lee.

Thomas shook his head.

"I don't..."

Everyone went quiet, to let Thomas talk.

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