Rominois Snippet

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So this has A Heist With Markiplier spoilers and it's just a snippets from an idea I had that I will try very hard to actually write.

It's a crossover between Sanders Sides and A Heist, and this is a snippet about Roman getting  a crush.


It was supposed to be a drabble and I kinda forced myself to calm down and not just write the entire story from the middle.


Thomas should be screaming.

Deceit knew they'd seen Mark die before and he knows by now that yes, Mark will be back.

But he was kind of put off by the event. Mark had just been crushed. It was... more than a little terrifying. More than a little.

So trusting Mark to fix the car was a bad idea, understood. There'd be a newcomer right?

"Hey, was that you screaming?"

Thomas looked up at the person who just walked in and god, just the cadence of his voice was sending Roman to swoon.

"Uh-" Thomas managed to say, before the stranger was cutting him off. He knew it was because he had been too quiet, hadn't been heard.

"My turn my turn my turn-" Roman was chanting a bit.

"Your turn?" Patton asked, tilting his head.

Deceit understood immediately.

"A crush."

"No need to be afraid. I showed that boulder who's boss."

Roman made Thomas's heart thump hard in his chest, as the red prince leaned forward and stared at the adventuring stranger.

And then the stranger saw the box.

Virgil immediately went into panic mode as the adventurer's beautiful, strong, weathered hands touched the-

Virgil glared at Roman a bit to get his gay thoughts to stop.

He was trying to panic about the box, not about gay! Too much panicking at one moment was too confusing for the anxious side.

"You didn't steal this, did you?"

Virgil white screened.

"S-Steal-? Of course not!"

Deceit squeezed Thomas's shoulder as he lied.

The adventurer smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, no way! I know a fellow adventurer when I see one!"

Roman swooned.

"Well, I better figure out where this belongs and take it back there."

"Yeah, y- we wouldn't want it missing from where it's supposed to be-!" Thomas tried.

The adventurer smiled wider.

Roman started hopping a bit. "I call him-"

Remus pouted. "Oh Roman. We don't even know his name!"

"Did Yancy ever tell us his name?" Roman retorted.

Remus crossed his arms. "You made fun of me for falling for Yancy so I'll make fun of you!"

"You could accompany me if you want?"

Roman disregarded Remus immediately, grabbing Thomas's shoulders and shaking him. "YES YES YES!"

Logan finally spoke up. "How do we know he's safe? Isn't there at least one run that we did with Yancy where we ended up being killed?"

"That was YOUR fault for wanting to go down all the paths!" Remus immediately blazed.

Deceit snorted and covered his mouth.

"Well, we have to if we want to... figure out what's going on." Logan gestured a bit.

"Well, I don't feel like dying, and as the adventurer said, he lost someone to a boulder. That boulder is still out there, and didn't we just lose Mark to it?" Deceit spoke.

Roman ended up shaking him too.


Virgil shook his head quickly. "If you think we're not going with the adventurer you're dead wrong Logan, it's enclosed and we have no clue where the exit is, and that boulder is still out there, and Mark is DEAD AGAIN!"

Remus frowned and gently touched Virgil's arm. "Hey, deep breaths."

"Usually people say something by now..." The adventurer tried to call Thomas's attention.

Thomas opened and closed his mouth a bit. "Oh- uh, yeah- yeah, we- I'll go with you."

Logan stared at Thomas with wide eyes.

"Okay, that box-" Patton pointed at it. "Is really messing with us, I think."

"Oh, great, that's awesome!"

"Oh he likes you, Thomas!!!" Roman cheered.

"It's not every day you meet someone who's willing to face certain death on a daily basis."

Deceit squinted.

"... is he talking about himself? Is he hyping himself up to you-"

Roman leaned on Thomas, staring at the adventurer with practical heart eyes. "He deserves it."

Logan facepalmed as Thomas and the adventurer spoke, sitting down. "For the code, for the code..."

"Don't look into its eyes for too long." Virgil repeated the adventurer's words back to Thomas, and he quickly nodded, tilting the monkey so he wasn't looking.

Thomas followed the adventurer, listening to him hype himself up a bit more as Roman drank in everything he said.

"The name's Illinois. Pleasure to meet me."

Roman nodded. "Oh, yeah. Definitely pleasure to meet him."

"Oh my god." Deceit blanched.

"And I know what you're thinking." A wink. "Yes, I am single."

"Oh look, you have a chance." Patton smiled at Roman.

"But I'm married to the job, and my associates never last long so best not to get attached."

Remus patted Roman's arm.

"Tough luck."

Roman pouted. "Yeah, yeah. Maybe we can entice him with the adventure of a brand new universe once we find our way back to Thomas's!"

"Let's keep hoping." Remus said, nodding a bit.

Deceit sighed.

"This box is too much trouble." He grumbled.

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