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Oh noooo I love angst that includes people being mean to littles don't ask me why

Unsympathetic Virgil

I wanna write more but I have no ideas fhduifesd


Emile was teetering.

He had never regressed in front of Virgil before, and he hadn't been able to talk to Virgil about it enough- the last time it came up, Virgil had mentioned that he hadn't understood it.

So Emile had wanted Virgil to understand before he regressed, but this was happening now and Emile couldn't stop it.

Emile was chewing on the ear of his teddy on the floor, legs kicking happily as he watched the tv, Harvey Girls Forever playing.

Virgil's expression was unreadable when he came into the room.

"Uh- Emile, what are you doing?"

"'m watch tv!" Emile chirped excitedly, giving little woohoos.

Virgil's expression went blank. "What?"

Emile rolled over onto his back, hugging his teddy close. "Harvey girls!" He slightly slurred, stumbling a bit over his words.

"Are you pretending to be a baby?" Virgil scoffed. "Look, I know you always act childish, but this is too far. Try acting your age."

"'m only five..." Emile whimpered a bit, tearing up slightly.

Virgil gave a disgusted noise. "You're gross. I'm not into it. Act your age."

Emile watched Virgil move into the kitchen, tears welling up in his eyes.

Emile slowly got up, giving little steps toward the kitchen before resting his face against the counter. "Vir..." He mumbled. "Please..."

"I said act your age already!" Virgil slammed his hand into the counter, scaring Emile and causing the little to start sobbing.

Virgil huffed. "You're so stupid sometimes..." He mumbled, tugging at his hair.

"Sowwy..." Emile whimpered, starting to regress further from the stress as he covered his head.

"So you're gonna make fun of my reactions now?" Virgil rolled his eyes. "I'm going out then. Hopefully you're not pretending to be a child when I get back."

Emile started to sob harder as Virgil left the house, dropping his teddy on the floor and wiping at his messy face.

The distant sound of his little Netflix cartoon couldn't bring his mood up anymore.

Virgil came back home to Emile in bed, having cried himself to sleep.

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