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I made Depressi (my pink side oc) the bad guy cause sometimes you need a breath of fresh air/some angst without a U!Sides -triumph emoji-


Remus wasn't the safest person, and everyone knew that.

Remus was rowdy, rambunctious, and always getting into some mess.

So when he ended up falling in the imagination and breaking his leg... well, neither him nor Roman were very surprised.

"I told you it was dangerous." His twin had sighed, stretching a bit. "You never listen."

"Come ON, like you're super safe in the imagination!" Remus stuck his tongue out.

Roman seemed to take offense to that, hand going to his chest. "Well, obviously I'm safer than you if I've never broken anything." He clicked his tongue. "You're lucky I could get you a cast and crutches."

Remus hummed and giggled, steadying himself on one leg to gently hit Roman with his crutch.


Before the two could start bickering, Roman was being summoned.

"Oh- Thomas is in need." Roman sighed. "Go sit down or something, we don't want to have to take care of a broken arm too."

Remus rolled his eyes and waved Roman off, watching his brother rise up to go see Thomas.

Remus wobbled a bit on his crutches, before dragging himself toward the kitchen area.

He looked up when he heard another side coming into the room, waving slightly. "Hey Deppi."

Depressi raised a brow, adjusting the clips he'd put in his hair today. "What are you doing-?"

Remus shrugged. "Getting a sn-"

"No, I mean with those."

Remus paused and looked at his crutches. "Oh, right. I broke my leg!"

Depressi gave a noise. "Uh. Yeah, and Thomas is a healthy person. You didn't break your leg."

Remus frowned. "What? I did! I fell in the imagination."

"And you, Imagination, got hurt?" Depressi scoffed. "Quit lying for attention."

Remus opened his mouth to protest, before his crutches were being taken away.

Remus gave a yelp, grabbing onto the counter and blinking in surprise. "Uh- can I have those back?"

"Why, so you can keep pretending?" Depressi huffed and moved to the fridge, grabbing a drink. "Just walk."

Remus whimpered as Depressi left the kitchen, taking the crutches.

He tried to manifest his own, and sighed when he couldn't.

Of course, he was tired and stressed and hurt, there was no way he could conjure anything right now.

Remus sank to the floor and let his leg lay out, carefully.

Nearly an hour later, Roman appeared.

"Remus? Where'd your crutches go?" Roman immediately asked, eyebrows knitting and raising quickly.

Remus hesitated, before looking ashamed.

"Uh... I lost them..."

Roman cocked his head and conjured more crutches for Remus.

Remus tried to forget what happened, and how he was labelled a liar immediately.

It wasn't like he could tell Roman what happened anyways, no one but the dark sides knew Depressi existed yet.

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