Something Nontoxic

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Nontoxic Dukexiety and abusive Patton!


"Remus is a problem."

Virgil blinked in surprise, eyeing Patton with a confused look. "What? I thought we were all over that." He grabbed his jacket tightly and looked at the floor. "Remus and I are together. I don't really want to hear you talk bad about him anymore..."

Patton's jaw locked, but he gave a smile that hid ice.

Virgil shifted away.

"So you're betraying us now?"

"I never said..."

Patton sighed. "You're right. You're just... not seeing things the right now." He rubbed his hands together. "You know Remus is bad for Thomas. Unhealthy."

"Not all of him..."

"All of him," Patton asserted. "So by that, he's bad for you!"

Virgil tried to argue, but Patton was grabbing his wrist tightly.

"Remus needs to be locked away in the subconscious. He can't be around you anymore, he's obviously starting to ruin you."

Virgil teared up. "No! You can't! Help!"

Patton immediately covered Virgil's mouth to make him quiet, hoping no one heard.

"Tch... He really has gotten to you."

Virgil bit Patton's hand.

Patton yelped and drew back, before slapping Virgil hard. "Don't!"

Virgil tried to hit back, wildly flailing at Patton as Patton tried to subdue Virgil.

"AT LEAST REMUS WOULDN'T HIT ME LIKE YOU!" Virgil sobbed, before quickly sinking down when Patton's expression turned rage-filled.

Virgil quickly ran to the 'dark' side.

He was really only safe with Remus.

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