Romantic Comedy

802 41 15

Just cute fluffy Moduke


Remus and Patton didn't really get much alone time. It wasn't like it was something they tried to get, of course, but it just seemed like the only times they saw each other was famILY dinner, a movie with everyone, or if Roman and Remus did something together and were dragging everyone along.

Today was no different- a movie, with everyone sitting in different spots to let a new person join, Remy.

Remus thought it was hilarious they had names so similar, and Remy simply tried to keep up.

The new addition put Patton and Remus closer together than usual, so the romantic comedy playing on the tv mixed with his crush sitting so close to him was a mixture that could only have ended the way it had.

"I'd do that with you, Patty!" Remus blurted when a particularly soft kiss happened between the two main characters, before blushing when everyone looked at him.

"Oh my god, you're serious-" Roman said, before looking between the two like he was waiting for something to happen.

Patton was blushing hard, and the dad side chuckled a little nervously. "I- you're um, serious...?"

Remus rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean... Yeah... I um... Have a crush on you...!"

Patton looked around at everyone watching them, before moving to sit next to Remus instead of above him.

As everyone started to go back to watching the movie, Patton slowly started leaning on Remus.

Remus giggled quietly, wrapping his arms around Patton a bit.

They cuddled the rest of the movie, and by the end, they were both asleep against each other.

Logan helped Roman move the two to lay down on the couch, tucking them in.

Both of them looked content as they slept, Remus drooling on Patton's head.

The next day, they could talk about dating.

For now, this was enough.

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