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Eating disorder tw! Also a babie!


Remus was getting skinny.

He liked that, it meant that he was being punished right. He deserved this, he was bad. He heard it enough.

It wasn't really just a punishment sometimes, though. Sometimes he didn't even remember to punish himself, instead he naturally punished himself. He forgot to eat, which meant he wasn't meant to right?

Even if days were getting a little hazy recently, even if...

"Hey, Remus." Virgil snapped in his face, causing Remus to come back to the land of the living.

"Uh, what?"

"You kinda zoned out there."

Remus licked his lips lightly and shrugged. "Yeah, was just imagining stuff."

"Don't wanna hear it."

Remus nodded and watched Virgil make himself some cereal.

"Have you eaten?" Virgil asked, moving to grab another bowl.

Remus touched his stomach discreetly. "Yeah." He lied, and it hurt. He hated lying.

Virgil accepted it, he knew Remus never lied, and went on his merry way.

Remus whimpered a bit and touched his stomach, shivering. He felt his young self edging at him, felt like he was just going to be a baby crying on the floor soon, but he pushed it away and got a glass of juice.

"Ah, hello Remus. I'm glad to see you."

Remus looked up blearily, smiling when he saw it was Logan. "Ah, good morning, Logi-bear!"

Logan gave a good natured sigh, before eyeing Remus. "Do you need to sit down?"


Remus wobbled slightly. "I'll be okay!"

Logan eyed him carefully, before exhaling softly. "Thomas is calling for the others and me. May you find Deceit? I don't want you to be alone."


Remus frowned as Logan spoke, before nodding slowly. "Alright..."

He hadn't wanted to make Logan worried about him, honestly...

Remus watched Logan leave, before slowly moving to the living room.

"DECCY!!!" He screamed, and smiled when Deceit immediately appeared.

Deceit's eyes were wide. "Are you okay-?!"

Remus exhaled shakily. "Yeah, Logan just wanted me to not be alone and find you."


"... Alright." Deceit sat down and watched Remus follow him to the couch. "Want to regress?"

"... Yeah, I've been fighting it."

"You don't have to fight things like that."

Remus knew Deceit hadn't meant it like that, but all he heard was 'There was other things about you you had to put your energy into fighting.'

Remus wasn't bad because he regressed, but he was still bad.

"Okay..." Remus gave a resigned whistle, before nuzzling Deceit's chest and staring blankly at the tv.

It took barely any time for Remus to fully regress, considering he almost did it already just a few minutes ago.

Deceit definitely knew something was wrong when the baby curled up against his side started having a meltdown.

"Hey, hey, Remus, it's okay." Deceit tried calming him down, before pausing when the child shouted.


Deceit gave a shaky exhale, before nodding. "Okay, let's get you something to eat."

He quickly moved to the kitchen to start making Remus a chocolate spread sandwich, and watched the child try to wolf down the food.

"Hey hey, not too fast okay? You don't want to throw up."

Remus looked upset, but slowed down a little.

"... do you know when you last ate?" Deceit asked quietly, and exhaled when Remus shook his head. "No, you're just a baby."

"Still hungry..."

Deceit moved to grab Remus Yogis, watching the child snack as he watched tv.

He made a mental note to watch Remus when he was an adult, moving to hold Remus as he ate and watched.

"Love Deccy..." Remus sighed happily, nuzzling against Deceit.

"I love you too, dear." Deceit gently played with Remus's hair, and watched the television.

He looked up when everyone appeared again, before grabbing Logan's attention.

"We need to talk. Virgil, will you watch Remus?" Deceit asked, and Roman gave a noise.

"What about me!"

"You tend to regress with him, so I naturally assumed you would." Deceit gestured, and Roman sighed.

"Okay, but I'm still upset..."

Deceit sighed.

"Deceit." Logan gently called his attention, and the yellow side nodded, before pulling Logan away from the group.

"When Remus became small, he... Had a meltdown. He was very hungry." Deceit said, and Logan's eyebrows furrowed.

"To the point of a meltdown? Did he just want a snack or was it actually that much hunger?"

"Well, I didn't detect a lie when he screamed he was hungry."

The two of them stood in awkward silence.

"We should watch his eating habits more closely." Logan finally said.

Deceit agreed, looking over at Remus.

Remus was playing patty cake with Virgil, who looked relaxed.

"I want everyone happy." Deceit said, before getting startled when Remus screamed out for Deceit.

"Virgy's so funny!" Remus said, voice childish and happy. Not much unlike these days, but with the hint of a speech impediment, or maybe just not used to talking in general.

"That's good, dear."

"Let's hope he stays in this headspace long enough to eat." Logan added.

Deceit sighed and nodded, the two of them moving back to the group.

Patton was making dinner, and as Deceit called it, Roman wasn't so 'adult' anymore.

Deceit fondly watched the twins play, before looking up at Logan.

Logan moved to sit with Deceit and hold onto him.

Remus was in good hands.

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