I Do Not Like You / I Do Not Mind Him Much

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Toxic Loceitality, Abusive Patton, and some slaps!

This is the first paid commission in the book! :) You guys can commission stuff if you wanted btw lol, but here's this


Logan first brought up problems in the middle of the night.

Logan was always, always in the middle of the bed, Deceit on one side and Patton on the other. Logan wasn't comfortable at night, but no matter what Deceit or Logan had said, Patton just shut them down.

Logan needed this, needed love, needed the touch. That's what Patton said. Besides, if he was on the outside, he'd just slip away to do work. And that wasn't good.

Logan gently shook Deceit's shoulder, exhaling shakily when the yellow side's eyes flashed open.

"Shh." Logan whispered, before glancing behind himself at Patton, using Logan basically like a teddy bear. Logan's skin felt like it was on fire where Patton was touching him, breathing on him.

"What's wrong?" Deceit asked, quiet so they didn't wake Patton. They both knew not to wake Patton- he'd get angry, and yell at them, and then... they'd be bad boyfriends.

Logan didn't want that.

Deceit didn't want that.

So they tried to stay quiet.

Logan swallowed a bit. "Maybe we should talk to Patton about..." He hesitated.

Deceit blinked, before shifting. "I agree. There have been some things I wish would change. Do you think he'll get upset? He tends to when we bring up problems."

Logan sighed. "I don't understand where he's coming from. If there are problems, doesn't that mean you talk about them? We talk about Thomas's problems all the time."

Deceit watched Logan with half lidded eyes, before glancing over at Patton again. "And when he has a problem with us, we don't talk about it."

Logan nodded a bit, before hiding his face. "My skin crawls."

"I can try scooting away a bit more." Deceit offered, shifting slightly over.

"Thank you..." Logan whispered, even though it didn't really help much. It was something.

Deceit's eyes closed, and he gave a soft whir. "Goodnight, Logan."

Logan blinked slowly. "Goodnight, Deceit."

Logan didn't sleep that night, though.

The next day, Virgil noticed. And of course he did, because he was watching Logan to see if the other was healthy, happy, etc.

"Uh, Logan, did you get any sleep last night?" The anxious side asked, worry screwing up his expression a bit.

Logan blinked and rubbed his eyes, before exhaling. "Of course."

"Under your eyes is almost as dark as Virgil's." Roman remarked, exaggerating. Well, mostly anyways.

Logan definitely looked exhausted.

He eyed Patton slightly before rubbing his face. "It's alright."

His skin burned when Patton hugged onto him, pressing his chin into Logan's shoulder.

Virgil was getting worried, really.

Even more so when Remus asked about Logan.

"Logan?" Virgil mumbled. "He... I don't think he's sleeping much anymore. He always looks tired and kind of... sad these days?"

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