Princess Tiana

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Roman is a proud bro


Roman had noticed the change in Remus and Logan almost immediately.

Remus would have a laptop out a lot, typing away at whatever was on the screen, and look at Logan with happy smiles. Excited for something, happy about something.

Logan was happier too. They were acting nerdy again, happier? Louder. Smiley.

It was... weird. But Roman found he felt more relaxed near the both of them, so he'd take it.

It was good to see two people that seemed so... unhappy before now soft and happy.

Then Roman walked in on the two kissing.

His eyes had widened as he watched Remus and Logan, close, lips locked, hands on each others hips-

"Woah- what-"

Logan looked up when Roman's voice suddenly came from the doorway of Remus's room, cheeks going pink. "Oh- Roman-" They looked away, covering their mouth.

Remus's lips curled up into a wide smile.

"Roman! Look how cute Logi-bear is!"

Roman gave a noise. "So- So you two are... together, then?"

He seemed to be still in shock, even when Remus bounced up and slung an arm around Roman.

"Logan is so good to me! They make me feel good and loved and we're dating! I got to date someone so good! Aren't you jealous, Ro-Ro!"

Roman gave a noise, before smiling.

"Jealous? No, I think it's good you found the nonbinary royalty of your dreams!"

"Royalty?" Logan asked incredulously.

"Well, yes! You are royalty, just like Princess Tiana!"

Remus laughed loudly, as Logan huffed.

"The Princess and the Frog? She was only royalty after they got married."

"Does this mean we're getting married?" Remus's eyes widened, smile wide.

Logan's cheeks went dark red, as Roman flapped his hands excitedly.

"When you do, can I create the venue?! The clothes, be the marrier!"

Logan couldn't even bring themself to correct Roman's incorrect word, just hiding against Remus a little.

These two would be the death of them.

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