Logan Protection Squad

796 51 20

Some mentions of bullying


Remus wanted Logan happy. That's all there is to it when he appears behind Logan, trying desperately to just get the others to listen.

They're afraid of him he knows, and he uses that to try and keep their attention on Logan. Logan's words are important to Remus, why aren't they important to everyone else.

Logan notices their expressions change every time, and Remus always, always got upset when Logan told him to not threaten the others.

"But..." Remus's voice would waver, hurt for his boyfriend, but settles on hugging Logan from behind and pouting.

"I hope you all know it takes eight to twelve years for a body to decompose if it's just buried unembalmed and in the dirt... Can take years longer if it's in a coffin, depending on the wood..."

Remus likes their looks of disgust when he gives weird facts.


He just wished they were disgusted with themselves and not him.


Logan noticed Deceit was starting to come with Remus during his little 'threaten you for not listening to Logan' excursions.

It's even broadened to when they make fun of him, even if they're "only joking".

When they say something about Logan not understanding idioms, Deceit appears, glowering at them.

Remus and Deceit appear behind him even when he doesn't realize what's happening to him is cruel, or rude, or bullying.

It's... nice.

They're like a guard for his heart, and he definitely was okay with giving that heart to them. They earned it.

Sure, Logan's cheeks heated up and he grew embarrassed each time, especially when he tried to call them off and got arms wrapped around him.

But it was... warm, and good, and made Logan feel good.

"Thank you." He says, tacking on an "I love you two." sometimes, even if it's in front of the other sides.

He gets two I love you's back, and his skin always gets the tickle of a mustache and the rub of smooth scales afterwards.

PDA is a weird concept, but Logan found he was fine with it in these moments.

He was always fine with Deceit and Remus.

Intrusive (Sanders Sides One Shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें