Murder Plot (I'll Be Good Part 11)

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Panic attacks and I added in two characters lol


Deceit looked up, flinching back in surprise at the person in front of him.


"Don't call me that. I'm not Virgil."

Anxiety huffed, stepping over and almost touching Deceit's hand. "Are you calmer now?"

"How are you here?"

Anxiety shrugged. "Technically? I'm not. I'm a figment of Roman's imagination, come to tell you that he's trustworthy." He played with his hair a bit. "I'm not real, and I can't do anything but talk to you really."

Deceit stared at him, before swallowing. "You're a figment."

"Mhm. I said that already."

Deceit exhaled. "Well... Is Roman okay?"

"Nah." Anxiety played with his own shirt. "Nothing's going right. I-" He went rigid, eyes widening. "Mm- Roman is having a panic attack-"

"What does that mean for you-?" Deceit asked, obviously too panicked, frazzled, too everything to even try and be calm and collected right now.

Anxiety exhaled shakily. "I'll probably disappear soon."

Deceit nodded, laying down on his bed and trying to calm down.

"... What are you going to do now?"


Anxiety sat down on Deceit's bed, kicking his leg out as he stared. "Well, you can't stay here, right?"

Deceit sat up and rubbed the non-hurt part of his face. "I know. But I can't do anything right now. Everyone is up with Thomas, and..."

He tried to rise up again, only to be blocked once more.

"So you're giving up?"

"No, I'm biding my time and resting for the climax."

Anxiety snorted, grinning slightly. "What do you think the climax will be?"

"Well, looking at you... The murder of Virgil, I assume."

Anxiety nodded slowly. "Right. I hope that works out for you."

Deceit nodded. "Yeah, me too."

Deceit flinched when Anxiety started to flicker in and out of sight.


"Mm- Roman-"

Deceit quickly stood and rushed out the room, as Anxiety's expression turned a little sour.

He grit his teeth, eyes narrowed, before disappearing.

Remy Sanders wasn't really a part of Thomas. He wasn't a 'side', but he was connected to the other.

So naturally he popped in and out of the sides's place of living every now and again.

He really hadn't expected to find Roman on the floor.

Remy took a sip of his drink before putting it down and kneeling beside Roman. "Hey babes, you okay?"

Roman blinked blearily at Remy, before slowly getting up a bit. "N-No..." He murmured.

Remy pushed his sunglasses up and narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking. He helped Roman to his feet. "What happened?"

"Virgil is a massive dick, and Remus... He took Remus and..." Roman wiped the tears off of his face and exhaled shakily.

Remy nodded a bit. "I could have told you that. All Anxiety's are."

Roman decided not to comment.

"Alright babes. I'm going to help you." Remy picked up his drink and sipped at it. "Where did Virgil go?"

"Uh... He said his old room. I don't know where that is."

Remy's eyes flashed with recognition, and he quickly put his sunglasses on fully.

"... fine."

He looked over when he heard running, before gesturing with his cup. "Deceit, gurl!"

Deceit exhaled shakily and quickly looked Roman over when he caught up to them, before giving little heaves.

"What happened?" The snake side finally asked, and Roman relayed it again, quickly.

Deceit chewed his lip, before freezing. "Virgil-"

"I think we're going to have to kill him." Roman said, looking over at Deceit and narrowing his eyes. "Do you trust me yet?"

Deceit frowned and looked away, before Roman's expression softened.

"I'm sorry, I just... I know I can do this."

"I know. I believe in you. I'm sorry, I didn't even mean it when I said it." Deceit said, before looking up.

"We should go and check on Thomas, hopefully grab Logan and Patton for help." Deceit said, before Roman rolled his eyes.

"Remy's a better help than Patton."

"We have to at least tell him." Deceit hissed. "I never liked him, fine, and this wasn't a good look on him. But he still has to know Virgil won't be among us."

Roman glared at the floor, before looking up at Remy.

Remy sipped his tea loudly, before putting it down to his hip.

"Alright. Everyone go up to Thomas. I'll put him to sleep while you tell Patton that Virgil's dying. Then I'll help you get rid of Virgil."

Deceit nodded, before they all started to rise up.

"Woah- don't like this. This is why I'm not a side."

Remy held his cup close and looked ready to vomit when he rose up, sitting on the couch.

Logan, trembling still, was holding onto Thomas. They were both trying to calm down.

Deceit moved to Logan and touched his hand. "Hey, Logan, follow my breathing okay?"

Remy set his drink down and slid over closer to Thomas, pulling him close and gently playing with his hair.

"Nap time, Thomas."

Thomas didn't fight him, just letting himself fall asleep.

Roman stared, before sighing and summoning Patton.

"I'm going to assert again that I don't like this."

"Wh-What's going on?" Patton asked, eyes wide.

"We're killing Virgil." Roman said bluntly, eyes narrowed.

Patton immediately went pale. "But... But..."

"There isn't already an Anxiety ready to take his place." Deceit spoke up, noticing Remy's look at that.

"He took Remus again, Patton. I will not let this happen... Anymore..." Roman swallowed, before rubbing his face. "We could use your help. But if you don't want to help, then at least stay out of our way."

"Morally speaking babes, it'd be better if you helped." Remy said, laying Thomas down when the other fell asleep.

Patton stared at everyone, before exhaling.

Logan rubbed their face. "We have to do this now. Are you in or out?"

Patton chewed his lip.

"Ugh, wha-" Roman started, before Patton cut him off.

"Okay. I'm in." Patton exhaled harshly through his nose. "Let's get rid of Virgil."

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