A Move

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Human AU, abusive Patton, and violence! Lowkey I really like the AU I made


Logan already felt weird about the move.

Patton had said they had to move, that their families (read, Logan's family) was getting too touchy, checking on them every other day, and they didn't like Patton at all.

Patton said it was annoying, and Logan could agree.

He was glad his family cared about them, but Patton was getting annoyed, and Logan hated when Patton was annoyed.

So the couple were living in a new house, new city, new state.

And Logan felt weird about the move.

Patton was putting a couple things away, but he seemed already pretty done with unpacking.

"Logan, get the rest, okay?"

Logan sighed and nodded, moving to start unpacking- mostly by himself at this point.

Patton watched him a bit, before leaning on the counter. "You know Logan, this is a fresh start for us. I think it'll be okay."

Logan relaxed and smiled a bit. "I think so too. Are we going to meet the neighbors later?"

Patton gave a humorless snort. "If you think they'll like you."

Logan frowned softly and finished with the pots and pans.

He didn't respond to Patton though, but Patton didn't expect a response.

It was movie time that night, but they couldn't agree on a movie.

"That movie is still in the boxes somewhere." Logan had said, looking through the movies already out. "We can watch-"

"No, Logan, I want to watch Just Like Heaven."

Logan tilted his head backward. "Patton, I have no clue which box it is in."

Patton growled, frowning. "Logan, you don't want our first night to be comfortable? Why didn't you put it in the main movie box then?"

"I thought I did, but you changed which box was the main movie box!"

Logan gave a scream when Patton threw the tv remote at his head, the sharp corner knocking into his cheekbone and leaving a small cut.

The room went quiet for a long moment, before Patton moved close.

"Don't yell. The neighbours will get the wrong impression. Again."

Logan remembered when someone called the police on them because of the yelling last time.

So he nodded, touching the already blossoming bruise and small cut on his cheekbone, Patton must have threw it hard.

They both looked up when someone knocked on the door, before Patton moved to go get it.

"Go find the movie while I see what's going on, Logan dear."

Logan nodded slightly, moving to the other movie boxes and opening one.

He looked up at the door to see two people at the door, one with ichthyosis vulgaris on their face, and the other with a stripe of white in their hair.

"We were going to see if you guys were alright? We were going to come tomorrow to meet you both, but we heard a scream." The one with the scale-like skin on their face said.

Patton gave a smile. "Oh don't worry, something fell and scared my boyfriend. Did you want to meet tomorrow? I'll ask him when he thinks we should, and we'll go over!"

The one with the stripe in his hair smiled. "Hell yeah! Sounds fun! We'll see you tomorrow!"

Logan watched the two leave, before Patton turned back to him.

Logan snapped to look at the box again, and quickly went back to looking.

Patton moved over to him and sighed. "I'll help you look."

He took the other movie box, and they both started looking for the movie.

Logan wondered if their neighbors would like him.

He wondered what their names were.

Patton wondered if seeing their neighbors was even a good idea. Especially after they heard the scream.

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