That Sickfic

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God guys huge warning, worst thing in this while book

... Cars 2, I know, I'm so sorry


Remus groaned, stretching out on his bed and grumbling to himself.

A fever, he's sure of it from the shivers his body is giving and the odd sense of hot and cold at once.


The imaginative side flopped onto his back and looked up at Deceit with a dead look.

He felt like shit. He also looked the part.

Deceit's expression was soft, and Remus liked that.

"Sick, I see. Soup should help, medicine."

Remus gave a noise and stuck out his tongue. "I wanted to ice skate again today..."

"That what you did yesterday?"


"Then we don't know what you got sick from."

Remus grumbled unhappily, but let Deceit tuck him in comfortably.

"Why don't I put on a movie and get you situated?" Deceit put on a movie for the other, before going off to the kitchen.

Remus snuggled up in bed and watched Cars 2 as he snuggled the stuffed octopus in his bed.

"You know, Roman would be upset if he knew you were watching this movie." Deceit said lightly when he came back.

Remus smiled, voice congested; "I know, it's why I watch it."

"So you don't like it?"

"I like it ironically."

Deceit watched Remus carefully as he set the other up with soup, before having him take the medicine.

"Alright, eat your breakfast and then you can watch movies and nap. I'll watch with you, okay?"

Remus patted the bed.

"Um, well..." Deceit hesitated, knowing Remus wanted affection, but also that he'd probably get sick too.

Deceit gave a sigh.


Remus cheered softly as Deceit climbed in, happily eating and watching.

"Wow this movie makes no sense." Deceit remarked after a long moment.

"Right? It's so great."

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