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Oops no Remus fhdsufes

Unsympathetic/Abusive Patton and burning


Deceit tried not to lie to or around Patton too much, seeing as Patton was the one against him the most.

Sometimes though, Deceit did have to lie. Whether it was because he didn't have the spoons for the truth, or because he needed to lie to help someone else, sometimes he just... had to.

So when Patton, anger thinly veiled behind his eyes and a large smile, asked where Virgil was, Deceit said, "I don't know."

Patton blinked at him.

"You don't?"

Deceit stood his ground, waving his hand. Acting like this was the truth. He was a good liar, so how would Patton even be able to tell?

Patton shrugged a bit. "Alright. I believe you."

No no, that was a lie. That was a lie-

"Since I can't find Virgil, would you like to cook dinner with me?"

Deceit exhaled a bit and hummed. "Alright..."

When the two were in the kitchen, Patton looked over at him.

"Boil some water for me, we're having spaghetti."

Deceit started to boil water for Patton, already knowing something bad was going to happen.

Patton turned to him, staring at the water. He spoke, "You know what the punishment is for lying to me, right?", before he slammed his hand into the handle and let it fall to the floor.

It splashed on Deceit, and covered the floor, as Patton started screaming bloody murder.

Deceit cowered from the pain, as other sides started running toward them.

"Deceit attacked me!!" Patton howled, and Deceit quickly shook his head.

"I didn't!"

Logan's eyes averted, before he moved to check the both of them.

Roman, stupid Roman, believed Patton immediately and went to check him over. "It's alright, Padre! I will protect you."

Logan shook his head a little. "Let me help your burns." He whispered to Deceit.

Virgil didn't appear that night, but he thanked Deceit in the morning.

Deceit didn't regret helping Virgil, especially after what happened.

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