Kinky or Fluffy?

735 22 2

My Pink Side OC? Depressi

My fiance's Orange Side OC?

Basically I'm gay and while I'll be doing lots of one shots with the other sides ofc I just need to do some with OCs jfeiodnfwejd it's been like 90+ one shots without OCs I just have FEELINGS


Depressi slid down the headrest of the couch, head hitting the seat. "Oh, hey." He greeted, slightly startling trauma- he assumed.

The trauma based side lifted his head a bit and blinked. "Oh... Hey."

"How did you get out here?"

Trauma sighed and turned his head, eyes half lidded. "Remus carried me out here."

Depressi snorted and stretched a bit. "Right, he'll do that."

Trauma looked over at Depressi, before frowning. "Yeah, he's like that."

Depressi watched trauma, before his eyebrows lifted. "Is that blood?"

Trauma opened his mouth to respond, before giving Depressi a confused look.

Depressi reached forward and wiped away a bit of blood on trauma's cheek.

"Oh, yeah. Remus."

Depressi stared at trauma, before snorting. "So is it your blood, or his?"



"You know it."

Depressi chuckled and shifted so he could sit upright on the couch. "Okay, well, come do something with me."

"Do I have to...?"

Depressi raised a brow. "I can't believe you're this lazy when you literally have as big a job as you do."

Depressi reached forward to wipe off more blood.

"Whatever... I'm taking a nap."

Depressi suppressed an eye roll. "Yeah, okay. I'll nap with you."

Trauma shrugged a little, curling up more.

Depressi moved to half lay on top of trauma, snorting when the side under him grunted.

"Night." Depressi bid, and trauma mumbled something.

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