The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows V

640 37 20

Vomiting, abusive Patton, manipulation, etc.


Logan wolfed down the cookies Patton brought once they were finished, and immediately went red when Patton commented.

"I'm glad I'm usually keeping you in check, imagine your weight if I let you eat like that all the time."

Logan looked away, before settling deeper into the bed.

"You've been looking a little sickly recently. Maybe I should take care of you."

Logan sighed slightly. "I suppose..."

Patton blinked a bit, before sitting next to Logan and gently running his fingers through the teacher's hair.

"You know... I think you should quit your job."

Logan's eyes flashed open. "What-?"

"Well, when the school year starts, you won't have time to be with me. I know you didn't want me to do this but... You know my family has money. I can just get some from them, and we wouldn't have to work a day."

Logan felt sick- but he did notice a creeping second sickness underneath his emotional distress. Maybe Patton was right, maybe he was sick.

"But Patton, I like my job."

Patton suppressed an eye roll. "We can talk about it later."

Logan opened and closed his mouth, before glancing away. "... alright."

Patton nodded, smiling. "Good."

Logan shuddered, watching Patton before relaxing slightly when the tv was turned on.

The two were cuddling.

Logan kind of felt nice cuddling with Patton, leaning against his boyfriend. He felt nausea slam into him suddenly, and his body jerked.

Patton moved out of the way as Logan vomited onto himself, tears filling his eyes. He vomited again, a sob escaping him.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay, I've got you."

Logan gave another sob, retching more onto himself. He hated vomiting, hated being dirty, hated everything about this.

Patton hummed softly. "Alright, let it all out..."

Logan was sure he looked messier than he thought. His face was covered in tears at this point.

Patton pulled Logan carefully out of the bed and toward the bathroom. "Alright, shhh. Let's get you in the bath, and I'll wash you, okay?"

Logan shuddered and leaned against the wall a bit so he didn't fall.

Patton started running the bath, feeling the temperature before moving to undress Logan.

Logan shuddered away from Patton's touch slightly, and didn't miss the flash of anger in Patton's eyes.

"I can bathe and undress myself..." Logan said softly.

"I don't think you can." Patton said immediately. "You're obviously sick, so I think it would be better if I just help you."

Logan watched Patton for a long moment, before his eyes averted and he shuddered, nodding.

Patton brightened and undressed Logan, before helping him into the bath.

"I'll be right back, let me grab you clothes. Turn off the water if it gets too high."

Logan nodded, cheeks pink from embarrassment.

Patton left the bathroom, leaving the door open. Logan couldn't see into the room from where he was, and why would he need privacy anyways?

Patton went to the drawers and started getting clothes, before glancing at the bed.

He put the clothes down on top of the cabinet and pulled the blanket and sheets off the bed, tossing Logan's vomit covered shirt into the pile of soiled fabrics before he paused at Logan's pants.

Patton glanced at the bathroom, hearing the water running still, and fished Logan's phone out of his pocket.

Patton turned it on, quickly putting Logan's password in as he went back to the new clothes he got out for Logan.

He searched through the phone for a bit, before he paused at the newest texts.

"Remy?" Patton whispered to himself, knowing Logan couldn't hear since the water was still running.

His jaw clenched, before he opened up the keyboard.

Logan: Hello?

Remy: Oh hey, you not busy anymore?

Logan: Nope.

Remy: Heh, I was thinking about what to sneak you. I know I said tea before, but how do you like pumpkin?

Logan: I'd rather you didn't bring me that, or the tea.

Remy: Oh, uh.... Are you sure?

Logan: Yes. I think we should end any further contact.

Remy: ...

Remy: Don't want to be friends anymore...?

Logan: I never did.

Patton blocked the number and deleted the text messages, before putting it on Logan's bedside table, moving to take the clothes to Logan.

"Alright, Lo!" Patton said brightly. "Let's get you all clean."

Logan looked up tiredly at Patton, and while he gave a distressed noise when Patton started to wash his body like a child, he didn't refuse.

Logan let Patton pepper his face with kisses, even if it made him feel... something.

"Good boy. Let's get you all dry and dressed, then you can stay in bed and watch movies. I'll take good care of you."

Logan rubbed his face carefully. "Shouldn't we go to the doctor?"

Patton smiled wider. "Don't worry Lo, you don't need a doctor. I'm all you need."

Logan wondered why his stomach felt iced over immediately.

Back at the coffee shop, Remy was glaring at his phone.

Nate, his main employee, was watching him carefully. "Hey boss... you okay...?"

Remy sat up straighter. "Not really. I'm a bit worried, actually. I think there's something I have to do."

Nate rubbed his hands together. "I'll run the shop while you're gone then..."

Remy snorted. "Save some pumpkin bread for customers, alright babes?"

Nate smiled and nodded.

Remy grabbed his things, leaving the shop quickly as he pulled up Remus's number.

"This is crazy..." He mumbled to himself, shaking his head. Logan had every right to not want to be friends with Remy, right?

But why did this feel so bad then?

They literally just met that day.

Remy mulled over the thought, before putting his phone away.

That was right, they met that day. Remus might have mentioned being worried about Logan, and maybe Remy got vibes from Logan, but that didn't change the fact Remy and Logan knew jack shit about each other.

Remy's shoulders slumped and he went back into the shop.

"Are you done already?" Nate's eyebrows rose.

Remy rubbed his arm. "Yeah." He sighed. "I guess I am."

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