Pastries and Kittens

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Remy was a little confused the first day Thomas came in and asked about rejects.

"You want one of the rejects?"

Thomas had nodded, leaning against the counter and watching Remy. "I doubt they're as bad as 'rejected' makes them sound."

Remy had snorted and brought them out, watching silently as Thomas bought and ate the pastries.

The compliments Thomas had enthusiastically given to Remy had the owner biting back a blush.

"You know, they're really not that good." Remy had said once while following Thomas into the back with the kittens, watching Thomas petting them.

Thomas never did tell Remy he was allergic.

"I think they're amazing." Thomas had assured Remy, so maybe one day Remy decided to give him a pastry he made... just for Thomas.

Thomas hadn't ever been given something like that, especially when it wasn't even his birthday or Christmas, so he was understandably flustered when he had bitten into it.

Remy had felt... warm inside when Thomas's eyes lit up, and before he could wonder what that meant, Thomas was enthusiastically saying that everyone should be eating Remy's pastries.

Their relationship really kicked off when Thomas had to find a home for a kitten his friend had to leave when they moved, and trusted Thomas to find them a home.

Thomas understood that cats had kittens and sometimes owners just couldn't keep the whole litter, so he scooped up the kitten left and took it to his favorite cafe.

"You- need to find them a home?" Remy asked when Thomas brought the small kitten in, gently petting its little head.

"Yeah... My friend couldn't keep any of their cat's litter." Thomas explained sadly, watching Remy.

Remy sighed a bit and nodded. "Okay. I can take them."

Thomas's eyes lit up again, and Remy ignored the beating of his heart speeding up.

"Really??? Thank you!"

Remy grunted in surprise when Thomas hugged him tightly, hugging back.

"Y-Yeah! Um... If you want to check on them and- and stuff, I can give you my number and-"

Thomas pulled back and nodded. "Oh! Yeah, let me-"

Remy watched Thomas pull his phone out, accepting it and starting to punch his number in.

When Thomas left, and Remy still had the kitten (now named Andy) in his arms, he wondered what this was going to mean in the future.

He didn't call them dating and going to a wedding together, only for Thomas to end up upset he didn't get to try catching the bouquet and Remy popping the question before the person who DID catch it could.

He didn't call them getting a dog named Logan and a snake named Roman.

He didn't call their animal sanctuary home and getting to be on a baking show, but what he did call was the fact Remy and Thomas were never going to lose touch.

That was all he needed to know for now, though.

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