Pretty Sight

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NSFW!!! With Thomceit!!!

Deceit appears to Thomas and finds him in a very vulnerable state.

Skip it if you're baby >:(


Thomas's shirt is stuffed in his mouth.

Maybe not all of it of course, but the bottom of his shirt is clenched tightly in his teeth to make way for his hand, wrapped around himself and moving quickly.

Little shaky breaths spilled from him, a moan escaping him, before he jolted in surprise when he heard a voice.

"What a pretty sight."

Thomas quickly dropped his shirt, covering himself and looking up at Deceit with deep, dark red cheeks.

"O-Oh- I-"

Deceit put a finger up to Thomas's mouth, causing his manifestor to give a soft, embarrassed noise.

"It's alright. You do know it's okay that you masturbate, right? And as a facet of yourself, I'm not someone you have to hide from."

Thomas looked away, before Deceit gave a soft noise.

"Thomas... Look. Do you want my help?"

Thomas covered his face, thinking. He was still nervous around Deceit, and it was weird for them to do something right? As a side and the person he came from...

Deceit gave Thomas a reassuring smile. "You can say no if you don't trust me.. But I do want to make you feel good. I only ever want what makes you happy."

Thomas looked up at Deceit, before nodding softly.

Deceit's smile widened. "I definitely haven't been waiting a long time for this."

Thomas was surprised by the kiss to his lips, but immediately fell into it.

And when Deceit's expert hands caused Thomas to climax, there really wasn't anything more he could say except, "We should- should again, maybe..."

Deceit didn't hesitate to agree, but calmly stroked Thomas a bit as he spoke up again;

"Though maybe we should see how you feel about punishments."

Thomas exhaled. "Like... spankings?" He asked awkwardly.

"If you want."

Thomas giggled breathlessly and moaned a bit, as Deceit gave a lazy roll of his thumb over Thomas's tip.

"Maybe. I think I-I'd like that."

Deceit gave a smile, before changing their position so they were cuddling, him as big spoon and Thomas as little spoon.

Thomas let him continue stroking, breathing shakily.

Deceit found he was too nervous to ask if this was just sex though.

He really did want to be more.

For now, Thomas was falling asleep.

Deceit kissed Thomas's neck, nuzzling into it as Thomas came again with a tired mewl.

"Goodnight, Thomas..." Deceit whispered, giving a soft sigh as Thomas fell asleep.

"... I love you."

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