Eat (I'll Be Good Part 7)

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I'm not gonna worry about it being too long or too short, just cause if I don't, I'll have more parts up quicker

Tw: Abusive/Unsympathetic Virgil mentions, mentioned force feeding, cliffhanger.


Roman was holding his brother close, rocking him gently. His heart hurt horribly as Remus tried to silently whimper and whine.

"It's okay, Remus. You're safe." Roman sighed softly. "Please, speak..."

Remus gave a shuddery noise. "C-Can I...?"

Roman jolted a bit and nodded quickly. "You can, you very much can."

Remus shivered violently and nuzzled Roman. "When is Virgil coming back..."

"Never." Roman quickly said, before frowning deeply when Remus started to cry.

"No, no I need him... He's helping me be good, Roman... I need..."

Roman swallowed hard, pressing his face in Remus's hair. "No no, you are good, honest."

"You know I hurt you... You know I'm bad, more than anyone..."

Roman shook his head, sighing softly. "I know sometimes I haven't been the most... Nice brother I could be, but... You're good. You are. And Virgil isn't doing anything but trying to ruin you and make you his..."

Remus shook his head, but hid against Roman anyways.

Roman looked up when Logan and Deceit came into the room, as Remus immediately hid against his brother, shaking his head.

"No no no, I'll hurt them-!" He whisper yelled against Roman.

Deceit lit up. "Remus is talking??"

"I told him to speak." Roman said quietly, playing with Remus's hair and wincing when Remus's stomach growled.

"Did you find out how to get him to eat?" Roman asked, touching Remus's stomach.

Logan regarded them with an emotionless expression, before moving to grab the laptop and open it.

Remus twitched, starting to shake a bit, as Deceit moved to touch Roman's hand.

"We should... move away." He whispered. "This... will be easy." He lied, swallowing. Trying to lie to not only Roman, but himself.

"What- what does Logan have to do?" Roman asked, as Deceit started to pull him from Remus.

Remus whimpered and tried to keep a hold of Roman, who was also struggling.

"I have to use one of Remus's stories against him." Logan spoke, voice numb.

Roman shook his head. "What does that mean?"

"Okay, we- we have to find another way. Please, Logan." Deceit begged softly.

Logan opened up the top document, eyes scanning it, before they shut the laptop quickly. "I- I can't do it."

"What was it?" Deceit asked quietly.

"... Garbage disposal."

Roman flinched violently, Remus trembling more.

"What do we do?" Deceit whispered.

"Please Remus, please eat. We can't hurt you." Logan tried begging, voice wavering.

Deceit watched Remus shake his head, before shaking his own and moving to get Remus food anyways.

Remus watched as Deceit got a small bowl of soup and took it to Remus, sitting down with him.

"D-Deceit, I can't... I have to learn self control, I have to learn how to be good..."

Deceit inhaled slowly and exhaled, before shutting his eyes. "... Roman, please open his mouth."

Remus's eyes widened, and he whimpered, trying to shake his head.

Roman looked extremely guilty, looking between them. "I- I can't-"

"Roman, look how skinny he is."

Roman looked at Remus, before looking at Deceit. "It- It's not dangerously skinny..."

"Yet." Deceit added, staring at Roman.

Roman swallowed, before looking at Remus. "Please just eat, you'll never get in trouble, I promise."

Logan spoke up finally. "Your training is complete, and everyone knows you're good now. There's no need to follow the training rules."

Remus blinked in surprise, cheeks heating up a little. "I'm good now...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes. Can you eat now?" Deceit asked, voice soft as he held out a spoonful of soup.

Remus glanced away, watching the floor, before he carefully opened his mouth.

When Deceit gave him a bite, Remus looked terrified.

After a long moment of Remus watching the three and noticing he wasn't going to be hurt, he opened his mouth again.

Deceit, Roman, and Logan relaxed as Remus was fed, making sure he finished the whole bowl of soup.

"That's good..." Roman held Remus close, watching him struggle to stay awake once he was finished eating.

Deceit had smartly not made too much, to make sure Remus didn't puke.

Logan watched Remus fall asleep against Deceit, before feeling a tug. They looked up at the ceiling, watching Roman and Deceit look up too.

"Thomas needs help." Logan said numbly.

"We're going to see Virgil and Patton." Roman added, eyes shutting.

Deceit sighed. "I doubt he needs me too much, I'll stay with Remus. He won't call us both."

Deceit moved to pull Remus into the bed, holding him close as Logan and Roman started to sink out.

"We can do this." Roman told them.

Logan nodded. "Okay."

Roman saw red when he saw Virgil in his original spot, hands clenching into fists.

This wasn't going to be easy.

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