A Small Duke

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Some soft fluffy agere dukeceit,,,


Remus was tired, and cranky.

Deceit could tell, could tell that the stress was really wearing on Remus. Of course, the stress was wearing on Deceit himself, so he expected it.

Of course that was why he made a plan for the two of them to relax together that weekend.

"Remus, would you like to try regressing for the weekend? I know the both-"

"GOD, yes please..."

Deceit smiled softly at his boyfriend, before nodding and pulling Remus to sit with him. "Alright."

It barely took any time for Remus to regress, and before Deceit knew it, there was a four year old watching Coraline on the tv and squealing in excitement.

Deceit smiled as he watched Remus, moving to sit on the couch behind him.

"Look!" Remus squealed, pointing at the tv.

"Ah, it's the Other Mother. Is she scary?" Deceit asked, and Remus giggled.

"Noooo! I'd fight her!" He jumped up and pretended to fight an imaginary Other Mother with a sword.

Deceit snorted as he watched Remus, who was now babbling on about how she stood no chance, how he was awesome and strong.

"You really are. Is the strong prince hungry for some fruit with caramel sauce?"

Remus's eyes sparkled immediately, and he squealed happily. "Yes please!"

Deceit smiled and picked Remus up. He always liked calling Remus a prince- it made the other feel good, and made him happy that Remus felt happy.

Remus nommed on his snacks excitedly as Deceit started pulling out all of Remus's things, getting ready for the weekend.

He enjoyed taking care of Remus, honestly, even if the kid was a brat sometimes.

Deceit could reign him in easily, with the promise of a cookie, or a game, or a coloring book, or James and the Giant Peach.

"DECCCYYYYY!" The four year old wailed for attention. "Want choccy milk!" He clapped and kicked his little feet.

Deceit sighed and smiled, getting Remus a sippy cup of chocolate milk.

"Say please, honey."

Remus whined and sighed. "Pleeeaaassee choccy milk."

Deceit gave him the cup and watched him greedily drink up.

Maybe Remus was a handful, but the bright happiness sparked in his eyes made it worth it.

And honestly, taking care of Remus made Deceit more relaxed too.



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