Virgil's Punishment

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Intruloceitmas is the best ship ever

Unsympathetic Virgil, panic attacks, and violence


Thomas didn't know what he expected to happen, honestly.

He had known already that Virgil didn't like the "dark" sides, wasn't on great standing with Logan either. So Thomas kept the fact they were in a relationship a secret from him.

He knew that Virgil's anger at not being listened to was boiling, was ready to boil over. Adding more into the pot wasn't what he wanted to do, he wanted Virgil to at least calm down before he told the anxious said.

Thomas just thought that maybe Virgil would yell at him a bit when he finally let out his anger at Thomas.

Thomas didn't expect Virgil to stand over him in the living room with a cold glare.

"Virgil?" Thomas asked, eyebrows furrowing. "Are you okay?"

"I told you to stop Remus singing, and I was going to leave it, but I've seen you talking to them." Virgil huffed and grit his teeth a bit when Thomas shook his head.

"I know Virgil, but it's not a big d-"

"Not a big deal?"

Thomas went quiet, feeling his breathing get a little labored.

"Thomas, you know both of them are evil."

Thomas gave a noise. "N-No, they..."

Virgil's eyes widened. "What? They got to you." He shook his head. "I didn't know you were this far gone."

"Virgil, m'breathing-" Thomas tried to beg for help, trying to breathe. It was hard to breathe, and Virgil didn't seem to care...

"Yeah, Thomas. You need to be punished." Virgil glared down at Thomas as his host panicked.

Thomas gave a weak sob, trembling as he struggled to breathe. "V-Vir-"

"You believing they aren't evil is a gateway to doing the things they want you to do." Virgil shook his head. "I knew things were getting out of hand. I haven't punished you in a long while. I'll remember not to forget to do this whenever you do something wrong."

Thomas sobbed again, slamming a hand into the floor and struggling to calm down. Whenever he tried to do something with his breathing, tried to calm himself by saying five things he could see, etc, Virgil would just grab Thomas's shoulder and distract him from it.

"Not yet. You deserve this."

"What do you think you're doing to him?"

Thomas looked up, relief edging at him. "D-Dee-"

Virgil looked up, Deceit and Remus both standing in the doorway.

Remus quickly rushed at Virgil and shoved him hard. "You're hurting Tommy!"

Virgil yelped slightly, before growling. "I was trying to teach him not to listen to you and snake face."

Deceit was trying to calm Thomas down.

"W-Wa- Want L-Lo-" Thomas tried- it was obvious he was panicking more now, and Deceit was pretty sure it was due to Virgil and them being in the same room.

"Call him, everything will be alright."

Virgil and Remus were fighting, Thomas could hear them.

He could hear smacking, punches being landed, grunting and yelping.

Thomas tried to block out the sounds as Deceit pulled him close, summoning Logan as soon as he was even remotely calm enough to.

"Thomas-" Logan spoke immediately, looking over at Remus and Virgil brawling.

"Virgil was giving Thomas a panic attack, we need to calm him down." Deceit said, voice low.

Logan quickly nodded, moving close.

Thomas tried to focus on just Deceit and Logan, starting to calm from their hushed whispers and the soft rocking Deceit was doing.


Deceit and Logan quickly looked up when Virgil knocked Remus backwards.

Before Remus could go at it again, Logan grabbed his wrist.

"Why are Deceit and Remus even here, Thomas?! Why do you always listen to people who are going to ruin you?!" Virgil looked angry, and tired, and bruised.

Deceit made a note to praise Remus later.

"Well duh, because we're better to him than you are!" Remus shouted. "You're never nice! And now you're hurting Tommy again!"

"He-" Virgil started, before Logan glared at him.

"That is enough. Thomas cannot take this much longer. We've only just gotten him calmed from your... punishment. Now, please leave us."

"I'm not leaving Deceit and Remus here alone with Thomas." Virgil crossed his arms.

Logan scowled. "Not only am I also here, but you're more dangerous for him than either Deceit or Remus, especially right now."

Virgil tried to speak again, before Deceit glared at him.


Virgil recognized that it was 3 to 1, and growled, before storming out the room.

Thomas whimpered and curled up against Deceit, pulling Logan close on the other side, and trying to beckon Remus closer.

Thomas relaxed as he was held by the three, breathing evening out. "I'm tired..."

"You just had a panic attack." Logan answered.

Deceit sighed. "You should get some rest."

"We'll set up a movie in the bedroom and cuddle, then in the morning, I'll kiss you awake like Sleeping Beauty!" Remus said, eyes sparkling at his idea.

"Heh... Okay..."

Thomas let Deceit pull him up to his feet, before he suddenly moved and gave each of them a kiss.

"Thank you."

Remus squealed and picked Thomas up bridal style. "WOOHOO! YOU'RE WELCOME!"

Thomas gave a loud squeal of surprise as Remus suddenly raced up the stairs with him in his arms, holding on for dear life.


Deceit stifled a laugh as he followed. "Good luck!"

Logan smiled a bit, before lacing his fingers with Deceit's.

"We should do something about Virgil." Logan said, before blushing softly when Deceit simply turned to kiss him.

"Alright, at a later time. For now, let's relax."

Logan smiled and nodded.

They slept well that night.

They just didn't know Virgil knew everything now.

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