Never Again

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Twins angst haha


Roman was getting upset.

Not like Remus could tell, though. He had a hard time reading people's body language, and a hard time fathoming why they felt the way they felt when he was told.

Remus was just talking on and on about something on his mind. He had no idea this was the last day they'd be sharing a room.

Roman sighed as Remus continued talking, before he slammed his hand on the wall. He didn't notice Remus's jump.

"Remus! Shut up! I'm so sick and tired of your rambling!"

Remus's eyes widened, swallowing a bit. "O-Oh- well, I'll talk about something else-"

"No, Remus! Don't talk at all! I don't want to hear you!"

Remus blinked, swallowing harder. He felt fear in his stomach, and couldn't stop the small tremor in his hands.

Was... Was Roman really this mad at him? Why was he yelling like this...

Remus started saying something in sign language- "I'm sorry, I'll be better, we can be okay."

Or, that's what he wanted to say.

He got through "I'm-" And some half form of Sorry before Roman grabbed his hands roughly.

"Really?! Do I have to tell you I don't want to see you too?!"

Roman didn't mean it. He didn't want to hurt Remus, but god he was so fucking annoyed today, and Remus wouldn't stop.

Remus jolted, and his breathing completely stopped.

Roman's eyes widened, and he quickly pulled back. "R-Remus, wait-"


Roman shook his head. "Fine-?"

"You'll never see me again, okay?"

Roman whimpered. "No, Remus, I didn't mean it-"

Remus shook his head. "Patton was right. I need to go to the dark sides. We both knew it from the beginning."

Roman sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "I didn't m-mean-"

"I'll get my things later."

Roman felt sick to his stomach as Remus left, giving off the same energy as a kicked puppy.

He hadn't meant it.

He hadn't...

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