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Cuteness in the Head Injury AU


Thomas was surprised when Remus threw himself at Thomas, arms tight around him. Thomas blushed softly in response to the warmth against him, raising a brow. "Remus?"

"Look Tommy..."

Remus nuzzled his head against Thomas, and his manifestor blushed a little more, mostly out of confusion- but also because it felt nice to be touching a person.

"We're touching... It's so nice..."

"H-Heh, yeah..."

Remus glanced up at Thomas's face, lips pursing a bit. "Um... Does that mean you don't like it?"

Thomas blinked and shook his head. "I do like it, it's just... so different, we can..."

Remus smiled and gave Thomas a kiss to the lips, which seemed to calm whatever nerves Thomas had.

"It's nice when you do that..." Thomas whispered a little, blinking at Remus. It was weird thinking about how everyone would be able to see this now, but he didn't feel really bad about it though.

Thomas wasn't embarrassed by Remus, and never would be.


Thomas looked up when he heard Logan's voice, smiling slightly. "Hey Logan!"

"You both are giving each other affection." Logan mumbled slightly.

Remus moved to grab onto Logan's arm, tugging them close. "Come on! Join in?"

Logan gave a noise and tilted their head down a bit, before nodding.

Thomas watched the two give each other little kisses, before blushing deeper when Logan turned to him. "My turn?"

Thomas felt warm when Logan smiled at him, and melted into the kiss he was given immediately.

"Hey, you know who's missing?" Thomas tilted his head backwards. "Deceit. He never gets kisses."

Remus clapped his hands together and squealed. "You're right! I'll get him!"

Thomas blinked in surprise and watched Remus run up the stairs, Logan moving to wrap their arms around Thomas's waist.

"It's odd that we can touch like this... Go on dates at real places, be seen together by real people." Logan spoke slowly, blinking a bit.

"Yeah, it kind of is, but... It's nice, really. We're... It feels really okay." Thomas tried and failed to explain the feelings he had.

Logan seemed to understand, somewhat. "I think we are okay."

Deceit hadn't been expecting the attacks of hugs and kisses when Remus dragged him downstairs, but he didn't complain.

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