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Virgil flicked water at Roman.

Roman knew it wasn't bad, knew Virgil wasn't dangerous.

But well... no actually, he didn't know that.

All he knew was he was back on the shore of some lake, water flicking up toward him, eyes widened as he stared into eyes that seemed to take his soul, and blood, his blood, all over his fingers and side.

Roman gasped for air, holding his side, before realizing in his haze he was in front of people.

It didn't help, because the thought was fleeting.


Roman flinched violently, eyes wide when he looked up.

Virgil, and Remus.

Remus was watching Roman carefully. "Are you okay?"

"I... Y-Yes, of- of-"

"Don't lie..." Virgil swallowed. "You... Panicked so bad, I-I..."

"I... I need to go." Roman hid his trembling hands and watched the floor, quickly rushing away.

Remus stopped Virgil from going after him.

"When he's calm, Virgy."

Roman felt like he'd never be calm again.

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