The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows II

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Sequel to that moving one lol

So this is also gonna be a mini story line, and some of them are probably not gonna get finished knowing me :")

Unsympathetic Patton, human au, all that stuff. Some mentions of starvation.


Logan had a headache the next day, and a bruise right on his cheekbone. The teacher gingerly touched his cheek, sighing softly and thanked his stars that he was a professor at an online school. He didn't want to be seen like this, even if it was a smaller bruise than usual.

Then he remembered they were meeting the neighbours.

A large sigh escaped him as he crawled out of bed and to the bathroom, searching the cabinets. Of course, the move meant not everything was taken out already, so Logan found himself dropping in front of his suitcase to search for- there.

Logan took out an advil bottle and makeup, quickly taking two pills with a swig of a water bottle and heading to the bathroom to cover up the bruise.

Something screamed inside him that he really shouldn't be covering this up, that he knew hiding it meant that this was something bad, especially since Patton wanted him to hide it.

But he also knew it was probably another mistake, just a mistake. And Patton was so soft and cute, so as long as he knew Patton could never be malicious, then it was okay he made mistakes.

"Did you sleep well?"

Logan jolted slightly as Patton spoke, appearing in the doorway. He looked over and smiled with a nod. "I had a headache, but I took an advil. I was just cleaning up my face."

Patton smiled a bit, moving close to hug Logan softly and nuzzle his shoulder. "You're so good, Logan..."

Logan's cheeks went pink, and he coughed in embarrassment. "Th-Thank you."

He loved praise.

Patton pulled back. "Alright. Are you sure you want to see the neighbours?"

Logan blinked. "I would like to, yes."

Patton sighed and nodded. "Alright. Let's go in a few hours. Maybe around 11?"

Logan checked the time, before nodding. It was around 8 in the morning, so that was definitely enough time to get ready and get some work done around the house.

Logan watched Patton cooking something- breakfast, or maybe something to bring the neighbors. Whatever it was, he was just happy Patton was cooking.

Logan had felt heavy when it was his job to get the food during the move, when everything was put away, when they were on the road.

But now Patton could do it, and Logan wouldn't panic anymore.

Patton always made the food, Logan wasn't allowed to use the kitchen like that. Patton got angry at takeout, Patton-

So why had he changed the rules like that?

Logan just knew he never wanted the rules changed again.

Logan ate what Patton gave him for breakfast- a small bowl of oatmeal- and sighed when he still felt hungry.

Knowing he'd start an argument if he asked for more, he simply busied himself to distract from his hunger.

"Alright, are you ready to go?" Patton asked, and Logan couldn't help the lick of his lips when Patton appeared holding a plate of cookies.

"Uh, yes."

"Now remember, these cookies are for the neighbours. I might let you have one later though~" Patton sing songed. It almost sounded playful.

Logan knew he meant that not only was Logan not allowed to eat the cookies, but he wouldn't be getting one.

They both knew a cookie wasn't healthy. They both knew Logan couldn't have one.

Logan followed Patton over to the neighbours and watched him knock on the door, seeing his boyfriend smile brightly and hum happily.

The one with the skin condition open the door.

"Oh, hello. Come in, Remus, my boyfriend, is making uh... Kool-aid."

Patton raised a brow.

"I'm Dee, by the way."

"I'm Patton, and this is my boyfriend Logan! It's nice to meet you!" Patton held out the cookies, and watched Dee accept them.

"Well, I'd love to get to know you both." Dee said, as Patton and Logan came in.

Logan watched Patton take Dee into a conversation, before he was scared by the other one appearing next to him.

"Oh hey, I'm Remus. You okay? We heard you scream last night, the dude you're with said something fell."

Logan gave a small smile. "Oh, well- yes, we're still moving things around, boxes and such..."

Remus frowned a bit, before smiling. "Name?"

"O-Oh right, Logan."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, before Remus sighed.

"My brother's coming over with his boyfriend, Thomas, next weekend. It's gonna be a barbecue. Did you two want to come?"

Logan blinked in surprise. "That sounds fun, but I'd have to ask Patton."

Remus shrugged. "Alright, but I'd really like if you were there. Remember to tell Patty that!"

Logan scoffed and smiled a little. "I see... Alright."

"Well, Remus has taken a liking to you."

Logan looked up to see Deceit looking at them, and Patton also watching them.

Patton's nose twitched.

"You two can come over whenever you want, of course." Deceit offered, moving to sit.

Logan found he really liked Deceit's fashion sense.

"Hmm, thank you. We'll take you up on your offer! But Logan and I still have unpacking to do, so-" Patton started, before Remus cut him off.

"Well, we can just go and help you guys!" Remus excitedly.

"That might be-" Logan started, before glancing over at Patton.

"That might be good, but I'm not sure. What do you think, Patton?"

Patton gave a small smile. "If you think it'll be good, you choose Logan."

Logan smiled a bit. "Alright. If you're sure you want to help, that would be nice."

"Of course. Anything for nice neighbours such as yourself." Dee said, standing and offering Logan a small tip of his head.

The four left to Logan and Patton's house, but Logan got distracted for a moment.

Someone in a jacket with purple hair was walking around the street.

Remus moved back a bit and frowned, as Patton and Deceit got distracted by Logan and Remus.

"His name's Virgil." Remus said quietly.

"Guys should probably stay away from him."

Logan nodded and followed Deceit and Remus to their house, but Patton was still a little distracted.

He waved at Virgil, and was pleasantly surprised when the emo looking guy waved back.

Deceit glanced back, frowning, before Patton followed them inside.

Virgil snorted and sent Deceit a middle finger before walking off.

Logan had no idea what seeing Virgil would start.

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