My diary part 2

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Hey there! I know it's been a while, and I'm really sorry! I didn't think anyone would read it... Then today I checked my email for the first time in a month (oops!) and noticed that a very nice person had commented! Thank you ToxicBunny! it's a good feeling to know that at least one person is reading :).

So what to write about... A lot has happened. But nothing really life changing. But I need to vent for a minute. I went to church today with one of my friends. I have always been a christain, but it's been a while since I have gone to church. It always makes me cry; partly from remembering happier times, like church camp, but also partly from church giving me the feeling that I'm bot the person I'm supposed to be. Everytime I've gone it feels like the preacher is just telling ne that my whole life is wrong. I wanna live comfortably when I grow up; they tell me that I am worshipping money. I get a little judgmental about people who disrupt class at school; apparently I'm a terrible person and I need to change. I know I need to change, but I don't think I'm that terrible just because it annoys me when people don't do homework. And I'm not saying anything bad about church, I'm just kind of confused about what their message is. Another thing: veterans day is coming up, so they thanked all the veterans and all that. I may be biased because my dad was in the marines and he had some bad influences( that may or may not have been in the marines with him) that caused him to leave us and divorce our mom, but I don't

think the church should give that much recognition to them. Their job is basically killing people! People say they are supporting our country, and that we should mourn them when they die, but then we celebrate them killing the enemies who are just people supporting their own countries. And for everyone of our soldiers that comes hone, their is a family in another country that is now homeless because their dad died and they have no income, or a newborn baby that will never meet it's father. Maybe I'm wrong. If anyone has a different opinion I'd love to hear it. It just kinda hit

me wrong today.

So anyway, I have a problem. My friend wants me to do something with her and her church next weekend, and I don't know if a want to go. It's something with a nursing home. Can anyone convince me? Or give me an excuse to get out of it? I'm conflicted; I wanna

be with my friend, but I don't feel like I belong with her church yet. Help is appreciated. ;)

Also, I have noticed lately that I am an extremely jealous person. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm not even really jealous of peoples' things, but I'm jealous of their... Just lives in general. Their friends, their personalities, their opportunities, their families, their happiness. I just want something to make me happy for a while, like everyone else seems to be. But I'm trying to be happier.

I think this is all for now. I think this might have to be a weekend thing. Stupid homework. But next time, if nothing major happens this week, I will tell you about my friends. Some of them are kind of... Strange. Obsessed. Crazy. No wait, that's not true. Most of them are my sister's friends. They just talk to me when I happen to be around. But they are interesting, I promise. So to any one who

may be reading, thanks! And I wouldn't object to people spreading the word if they like my "story"! Comments don't hurt either;) thanks again to ToxicBunny!

Oh! One last thing, to anyone who reads this far. I was thinking about writing an actual story if I have time on Saturdays. It wouldn't influence this at all though. Do you think I would be a good writer? Thanks!

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