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Sorry this took so long. I've been doing a lot of nothing for the past week. Spring break is awesome :)

I'm kinda looking forward to going back though, just to get report cards. I already know my grades, but one of my teachers said that the class ranking would be on the report card. Fingers crossed for top five in my grade! I'm a huge nerd. And proud of it!

On a more serious note, it's been forever since I've posted a depressed rant. Cuz it's been forever since I've felt depressed. Is it bad that I think something is wrong when I go for weeks without being depressed? I think that's kinda messed up. But really, I have been pretty happy. I thought I was just distracted by the work, but i have manages to get through most of the break without being upset. Looking back I don't even remember why I ever got so upset, or how it felt. I think something finally worked itself out in my brain.

It feels really good.

I hope it stays this way.

Also, we are choosing our classes for next year soon. It really freaks me out, cuz I don't wanna miss out on a fun class, or screw something up majorly. I guess I'll just have to trust the counselors to help me make the right decision.

It's getting late. You know how I can tell? ( other than the clock). Because I can hear S laughing in her room over some website. We both get giggly when we are tired :) it's actually really fun. Laughing makes people happier.

So not much else is new. Glee is still on repeat on my tv. I think that wasnone of the highlights of my spring break. Which is fine. I like resting, and even though nothing exciting is happening, Im not bored. Thats what fanfiction is for! The website stopped working a while ago, and I thought I overloaded it by reading too much, but S said it wasnt working on her iPod either.

Anyway. Anyone else doing anything exciting?

Oh, and did anyone else see the finale of Face Off? Gage should have won! Those judges are just stupid :P

Yeah. That's it. Yay for happy me! No more pity parties for now!

Thank you all for reading. I am very nearly half way to my goal of 5000 reads :)

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh well.

Goodbye people!


( I ran out of virtual redvines, and real redvines:( sorry!) ;)

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