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Lauren's POV

"Uhh! No, I haven't. Sorry.." My vision fell to the floor in front of Lisa. I raised my eyebrows to her to gesture that I understood before giving her a little nod and walking out.

"Is she mad at me?- is she okay?" As I walked up the stairs, I had mumbled to myself. And Lisa was being weird, like she's always weird but this is a different kind of weird.. suspicious.


"Wha-" Lisa started pacing back and forth after the footsteps faded away. "What was that?!"
She pointed at the doorway, looking at me.

"SHHH" I lifted my index finger up to my lips.

"Why haven't you talked to her?" Lisa reached for something beside her screen. It was a green little ball- OH IM STUPID, SHE'S EATING GRAPES. That's what she's been eating...welp

"It's nothing alright? Don't worry about it" I reassured Lisa. She frowned at me then popped the grape into her mouth. "Just don't tell her anything at all- That I'm calling you. Or talking to you at all. Alright? Like, I'll tell you soon but not yet." Lisa's lips parted in confusion.

"Why later? Just tell me now" Lisa tossed another grape up and caught it in her mouth.

"Cause I'll need you later, not now" I smirked.

"Uh oh..You're smirking..I don't like that" Lisa's eyes widened as she slowly bought a grape up to her lips. I chuckled at her.

"Don't worry, it's a surprise" Lisa frowned
once more at my statement.

"You're ignoring her for a surprise" My jaw dropped. WELL WHEN SHE SAYS IT LIKE THAT IT MAKES ME SOUND BAD SKSKS.

"WHAA- No! I'm not ignorrring herrrr.." I looked down as my eyebrows raised. Lisa crossed her arms and tilted her head.

"Then what areee you doing?" Her arms stayed cross. I nervously scratched the my right arm.

"I'm uh..Making her think I'm ignoring her..." Lisa's arms were still flippin crossed "That..uh sounded better in my head..heh" I did my awkward and uncomfortable laugh.

"Whatever you say Y/N" She chuckled at me while grabbing another grape. "What's the surprise anyway?" She ate the grape with a pop

"Errrr" I stayed silent. Lisa's face went straight.

"What, are you surprising me too? Is that why I can't know?" Again, she grabbed another grape

"Well..You might have to help me eventually, but yes it's a surprise for you too. Technically"
The green haired girl took a second to finish chewing then she proceeded to sigh.

"Y/NNNNN.. Tell meeee" She whined. "Like I won't force you but like it involves me so I have a right" The girl smirked, crossing her arms.

"PFFFF" Lisa continued with her confident self. "Nice try Liss" She rolled her eyes.

"Welp, I tried" My bestfriend broke into a smile but then she went silent with a suspicious look.

"Lisa." I questioned her with a smirk on my lips

"Hm?- Yeah?" She tried to act innocent.

"Whatcha doing there?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh..nothing" A couple seconds of silence passed. Suddenly the girl jolted. "Okay! If I guess it can you tell me?" She blurted out.

"Oh my goshh Lisa" I started cracking up

"PLEASEEE" She whined as I laughed

"Okay!" I tried to calm down, taking a few seconds to catch my breath. "Okay..Maybe"

"Yes!" Lisa clenched her fist, pulling it towards herself in victory. "Okay- okay! Uhh! Give me a hint!" She started clapping her hands together.

"Okay ummm, it's a big deal" Lisa's smile faded away into a straight face. "What?"

"Obviously! I know it's a big deal Y/N!-Something else, come on" Lisa bounced up and down from foot to foot. My jaw dropped.

"Wha!?- You're lucky I even told you that!" I grinned at her. Her eyebrows went down in sorrow as she started to now whine physically

"I knowwww!! But still!!!" She sighed. "Okay, big deal" She clapped her hands together once and brought her hands up to her lips in that position, where her index fingers were on her lips. "What is a big deal?..hmmm OH OH, YOU'VE GOT A DATE WITH A DUDE AND LIKE YOU NEED LAUREN AND I'S HELP?" Her arms dropped down but bent at the elbows and she had grinned widely, curiously.

"Uh..No?" I cringed at the thought of being on a date with a dude and then giggled cause of Lisa even thinking of that. It was highkey cute.

"..No?.." She lifted her hands back up to their previous position. "Uhh uhh.. You hate us"

"Wha?!- Lisa!" Lisa's eyebrows furrowed while raising somehow and her jaw dropped while her shoulders went up as she lifted her bent arms up, gesturing to ask what she did.

"What?! I think that would be a pretty big deal!" That girl made me crack up.

"Well that's not true" I continued to giggle.

"Hmmm...Okay..." Lisa spread her hands out against the edge of the counter and took a deep breath. After a while Lisa's eyes widened.

"What?.." I asked actually concerned cause she didn't say anything. Lisa slowly lifted her head up, to look at the camera/screen or aka me.

"..Are you gonna meet us?.." I went quiet

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