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Lisa's POV

I scratched the back of my neck after ending the call with Y/N. I put my phone down on the counter and crossed my arms on top of it. Then footsteps were heard nearby and they were coming closer. I turned to the kitchen doorway to see Lauren leaning on the doorframe, against her shoulder. She was looking straight at me with her own arms crossed.

"What'd she say?" A question with a quite disappointing answer was asked by her now weak yet soft spoken voice. I walked over to the table and sat down, resting the side of my head in my crossed arms on top of the table so that I could still look at Lauren.

"She didn't say anything.." I let out, feeling guilty because I knew it would hurt Lauren.
Lauren's head dropped, allowing her to look at the ground. When she brought her head back up, her lips formed into the shape of an "O"

"She said- uh..nothing at all?" Lauren looked back at the floor and played with her fingers.

"..I'm sorry" I intended to mean that Y/N didn't answer by saying sorry but I don't know if Lauren got the message. She slowly started nodding then dragged herself to come sit beside me. She crossed her arms on top of the table and met my eyes. My little sister seemed more quiet than usually which I didn't like.

"Thanks for trying anyway" She barely let out, like a whisper then rested her forehead on her arms. I lifted my hand up so that I rub her shoulder, softly. Although she couldn't see me, I was nodding to her. My head turned to the doorway as I heard more footsteps come by.
Dani entered the kitchen gradually making her way to us. She tried her best not to make any noise. She pointed to Lauren and did a thumbs up then a thumbs down and repeated her action a couple times. She was asking if Lauren was good and Dani knew the answer but wanted to be sure. I did a thumbs down back to Dani. She made an "O" shape with her lips like Lauren previously did then proceeded to nod.

Lauren raised her head back up then sat straight up. She got up, turning her body around to see Dani. Dani thought Lauren was gonna be mad at her, and I could tell that from Dani's expression but Lauren glanced at Dan and ignored the fact that she came up out of nowhere. Lauren just walked out, leaving Dani and I in the kitchen. Dani and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say at this point.

"Should we go with her?" Dani leaned back against the counter, with her arms behind her sides to hold body up. I shrugged to her, cause I didn't know if she wanted to be alone or not.

Lauren's POV

I walked into the living room, expecting the girls to follow me. I plopped down on the couch and pulled my phone out of my pocket to check if something happened..Anything. But nothing.

I sighed then tossed my phone to the opposite end of the couch. I leaned forward, with my elbows on my lap so my hands could hold my chin up. The girls' heads peaked out of the kitchen doorway to look at me. They were whispering to each other, thinking I couldn't hear but I darted my eyes towards them and they jolted back into the kitchen, trying to hide and pretend that they weren't looking. I giggled at the thought that they didn't think I'd pay attention to them. I guess they heard me cause they slowly peaked their heads back out. I nodded to them to come over and then they gave each other a questionable look before walking over to me.

"I can't believe she's upset about that" I pretended to giggle. "I guess it's cute that she's so embarrassed" Dani's jaw dropped. My eyebrows raised and my eyes widened from curiousity. I turned to Lisa to see how she reacted to Dani's jaw dropping. She was just as clueless as me, but a few seconds passed and suddenly her jaw dropped too but with the aspect of smiling within it from realization.

"Wait.. what?" My eyes shifted between my two sisters. The girls were nodding along with smiling at each other, leaving me feeling left out and clueless. I backslapped both of the girls' shoulders. "Tell me!!" I frowned at them

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