The Unknown- Part Seventy Four

Start from the beginning

Aston- Really?

Louise- Yes, I agree there has been so much happening lately that we have had no time to ourselves and I’m sure if there is any progress with Zayn we are only a phone call away. But that doesn't mean we can just run away from all of the problems, we still have to find a manger before we leave.

Aston- Yeah yeah I know that, I don't think the boys would let me go to another country without finding a new management first.

Louise and Aston spent the next hour sitting in the car talking, just spending time together, just the two of them which they haven't been able to do for months. The rest of the JLS boys decided that there weren't staying at the house tonight as they didn't want to upset Aston even more so they went to the cottage where Rosie said they could spend the night as she was staying at the main house with everyone. Imy and Rosie were in Imy's bedroom sat on the bed talking about what had happened earlier at the hospital.

Imy- So are you really going to have an abortion?

Rosie- No, me and Zayn spoke about it, and I know he is off his face of all of the drugs that they have given him the past few days, but he said he wants to keep it.

Imy- Is it not going to be too soon after Grace? I’m sorry I shouldn't have asked that, if you two want the baby you have the baby, I think it will be a great way for you two to get back together and hopefully just as Zayn fully recovers you will have a beautiful child.

Rosie- No its fine and yeah I know, I can’t wait, I just hope Zayn still feels the same way after he's recovered.

Imy- I’m sure he will.

The next day Louise and Aston were lying in bed trying to find a new management for JLS. Louise had phoned a few people but none of them were right for JLS.

Louise- Let’s face it, management were able to schedule EVERYONES tour and album writing and dance rehearsals so you were all back at the same time and no other management will do that, should I try ringing management and see if they will have you back?

Aston- You can try but there is no way they will take us back after they made it clear yesterday that they had taken us of their contract.

Louise- Well let me see what I can do!

Louise went into the en-suite bathroom and phone modest! Aston stood on the other side of the door listening...


'Hello Modest! Management. How can I help'

'Yeah hi. Is Steve or Paul there please?'

'Please can I ask who is speaking?'

'It is Louise, Louise Merrygold.'

'Oh didn't the boys tell you about yesterday?'

'Yes they did and that is why I am phoning, so can I please talk to someone?'

'Yes hold on one second and I will put you through to Paul.'

(Paul was the main manager that signed JLS when they found fame,)


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