The Unknown- Part Seventy Three

Start from the beginning

'You did agree. Louise agreed when we asked her last month.'

'Well I'm telling you now we're not ocming. Can't you leave us to spend time with Zayn? You can't control everything and I am not going to let you take control anymore. I'm fed up with it. If we want to do something we will and if we don't we won't. We don't need you anymore, it's not like you do anything for us anyway. The fans do more promoting than you will ever do, so just don't contact me or the boys!'

*End of phone call* 

Aston angrily put the phone down and let his anger out on the wall next to him by punching it. JB walked out of the room and saw what Aston was doing. 

JB- WOAH bruv what you doing?        

Aston- Fucking management.

 JB- What about them?

Aston- Trying to control what I do once again

 JB- How?

Aston- They think me and Louise were going to leave Zayn so HELLO could take a few photos of us.

JB- You didn't get angry did you? Ast there our management they have all the contracts and contacts we need.

Aston- You know how easy it is to get angry when you talk to them.

JB- Well phone them back and apologise. Ast we still need management.

Aston- Alright but not now! I will do it later when I feel like I should apologise.

It was coming to the end of visiting times and everyone was getting ready to leave. They all said bye to Zayn and made their way home. Zayn was still making very slow progress he still wasn't able to speak and he wasn’t able to move around yet, so it was going to be a while before everything was back to normal. Back at the main house. Niall and Imy were in the Sauna relaxing while Harry, Courtney, Chloe and Louis were in the pool and everyone else was in the kitchen. Everyone was talking about Zayn coming home and what was going to happen. JB reminded Aston that he had to ring management. Aston agreed and left the kitchen and called management. It rang a few times before they picked up. 

*Phone call*

'We hoped you could call back soon'


'I just called to say...' 

Management cut Aston off.  

'There is a meeting for you boys tomorrow.'


'About what?'

'Management is leaving you. If you think you can do this alone then fine. We are dropping JLS.'

'What do you mean?'

'Exactly that. From tomorrow JLS are no longer under management. You will have to organise everything alone and tomorrow we will tell you how this can affect your career. Have a good night Aston.' 

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