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It was now a week past Perries due date and to say she was frustrated was an understatement. The girls were all celebrating Jesys birthday while the two were basically stuck in their flat. As she paced Beau was watching her carefully. She was refusing to be induced as she believed the doctor had gotten her due date wrong.

"Pez you need to sit down." He said softly before she glared at him.

"What I need is for my baby to come out of me." She shot back before he huffed and moved into the other room. Her frustration was turning into anger at him and the last thing he wanted to do was yell. "I'm sorry." She said as she moved to sit next to him. "I'm just done with him constantly pressing on my bladder or stomach. I'm done with him waking me up every night. I just want him to be here." She stated defeated as she leaned into Beau. His lips met the top of her head gently.

"It's alright love. I understand." He said softly as his hands moved to cup her face. Before her lips could even met his she screamed. Without any hesitation beau scooped her up carrying her out the door and into the car as quickly as he could. Tears were streaming down her face as he drove wildly down the streets. Her hand was crushing his as another sharpshooting pain coarse through her body. "We'll be there soon Pezza." He said as his thumb ran along her white knuckles.

By the time Beau got her into the hospital tears were streaming down her face. The pain was unbearable. As a nurse went to hand her forms she grabbed his scrubs roughly.

"I'm having a fucking baby." She said through gritted teeth before they were quickly taken back to a room. Once they were finally alone and Perrie was medicated Beau began to laugh.

"Y-you were going to kill him." He said before she pulled him down onto the bed next to her. As her back leaned into his chest before his hands moved to rest atop hers on her stomach. His fingers laced with hers right before another contraction hit. Thankfully with the medication it wasn't anywhere near as bad as before. "Just breath Perrie." He quietly said as his lips met her shoulder. She relaxed into him moments later.

"Why was I complaining earlier?" She groaned as her head moved to rest along his shoulder. She could feel his thumbs soothe the baby's kicks.

"Because you're excited to see him." Perrie nodded before her face hid into Beaus neck. "I love you Pezza." He said softly. Her lips met his neck softly.

"I love you more Sunshine." She said before a doctor came to check on her. She groaned once the doctor was gone. "This child is going to be the death of me." She muttered before she felt him lean her back. As he began to hum the blonde relaxed as his hands slowly ran along her stomach. It was going to be awhile before the baby would come so Beau knew he needed to calm the blonde down.

It was hours later before the baby finally came.

However it was hours earlier that their friends became worried. Jesy had stepped away at one point during her party to call the two and had no answer. She thought nothing though asked Jade to check on them when she was home. When the brunette found no signs of the two she immediately texted Jesy and Leigh. By the time the two arrived she had called Dawn and Debbie who knew nothing.

"Well no wonder why they haven't answered." Leigh commented as she showed the other two the blondes phones. Jade was frantically pacing.

"I'm going to kill them." She muttered. Before she looked over at the other two. "Let's just go and check hospitals." Jesy sighed.

"That won't work they will never give us Perries information even if they recognize us." She said as she defeatedly sat down on the couch. As Leigh and Jade joined her Jade grabbed Beaus phone from Leigh's hand. She three dug through it trying to find any information they could. It was when they got anxious that Dawn and Debbie just about bust through the door.

"Have yous heard anything?" Debbie and Dawn said in unison. All three girls shook their heads.

"There was nothing on his phone about a hospital?" Jade shook her head at Dawns words. "Did you look at Perries?"

"We don't know her passcode." Debbie started to laugh before Jesy handed her Perries phone.

"It's her birthday loves." She stayed before they all mentally slapped themselves. Before Debbie could even begin looking through the phone she got a call on her phone. "Pezza.."

"Mum." She could hear her daughters heartbreak over the phone.

"Pez. What happened?" There was silence for nearly a minute. The only thing Debbie got from the blonde was the name of the hospital. It was seconds before the five piled into cars and drove wildly through the streets. The second they were in the room the five separated. A once pacing Beau basically collapsed into his mother just as Perrie did the same to hers.

"He's not?" Dawn asked quietly. Beau just barely shook his head.

"He wasn't breathing." He said just loud enough for them all to hear. The seconds the words slipped from his mouth a sob followed. As the other five absorbed the information the two blondes continued to break down. When Jades hand met Beaus back she could feel his entire body shaking. She helped Dawn drag him to the blondes bed.

As Perries hand grasped his he moved into her. She turned to face him her weak body curling into his hyperventilating one. As Jade curled behind Beau the other two girls moved behind Perrie. The pairs mothers watched on as the two slowly calmed. As his arms wrapped around the blondes midsection hers wrapped around his neck.

It was hours later that the two were left alone.

It was hours after that that they finally got answers.

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