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Beau sat next to Perrie as Jade turned on the next movie. He groaned quietly as he saw that Aladdin was the next movie to play.

"I swear you own like five copies of this movie." He said before the brunette threw popcorn at him.

"For your information it's three." He shook his head and chuckled before Perrie leaned into him. His arm moved to the back of the couch allowing her more room to lean. A sigh came from her body as she started to relax for the first time in months.

"You all right?" He asked so only she could hear. She nodded as he stretched out so his feet were resting on the table in front of him.

Jade was watching the two out of the corner of her eyes. She wasn't jealous but she was hesitant. Beau had a bad track record with women. Though he has changed a lot since they were younger.

But she also told him to stay away from the girls. She shook it off when she heard him laughing.

"What?" All four girls said in unison. He showed Perrie his phone first before passing it to Jesy, then Leigh and finally Jade.

It was from who she assumed was his now ex.

Beth: Tell that bitch and her friends that I'm coming for them.

"Well this isn't something to be laughing about." Jade stated before he shook his head.

"You're scarier than her while watching Disney movies than she will ever be." He said before Jade tossed him his phone back. Perrie watched as he deleted the text and put his phone away. "But before the movie gets to the good part I'm going to go change."

They all nodded before Perrie reluctantly leaned against the other side of the couch. Before he was out the door Jade threw a pillow at him.

"Bring me a sweatshirt." He chuckled before nodding. When the door closed they immediately heard yelling. All four of them fought to look through the peephole in the door.

Beau was being yelled at by the same girl that was with Alex last night.

"What the fuck are you doing at some other girls flat?" She yelled causing him to simply laugh as shake his head.

"It's not like you fucking care." As her hand landed on his bicep he shook her off.

"Back up." Jade whispered. "I'm going out there." The three girls quickly backed up before she swung the door open just enough for her to slide out. "Beau. What's going on? I heard yelling." She said coyly. Her arm slipped around his back. As his ex was about to say something he shut her up.

"Nothing Jade. I was just asking her to leave. She has no business here." She scoffed at his words.

"Bullshit. I'm your girlfriend and this tramp needs to get her hands off of you." The girls watched as his jaw tensed. They had been quickly taking turns at the viewing hole in the door. When her hand moved to his wrist he roughly pulled it away.

"The only tramp that needs to get their hands off me is you. You're not my girlfriend and like I said before you have no business here so I suggest you leave before I tell my friends behind the door to call the police." All five watched as the girls face turned white. Each one slowly burst into laughter as she gathered her things and left but not before saying.

"I'll be back for my stuff." He finally burst into laughter.

"You better do it soon because it'll be on the lawn by the end of the hour." She slowly walked out the door as Jades opened. Beth turned and saw Perrie at the door. As she made a beeline towards her Beau quickly grabbed her. She hit his chest, shoulder and back as he dragged her from the building making sure the self locking door was shut tightly behind her. "They need to fix that fucking door." He said causing Jade to laugh.

"So that was your ex?" He nodded before walking down the hall. The girls followed him before Jade hit his back as he stopped.

"I guess you're all coming in then?" They all nodded before the door opened and they were greeted by the cleanest looking mans house they had ever seen.

"Okay. I have two questions." Leigh-Anne started. "How the hell did you deal with her? And who cleans your house because I need their number." He chuckled and shook his head.

"I don't know and I do." All but Jades jaw dropped.

"I can't even keep my place this clean and I'm barely there. Can I marry you?" He shook his head at Jesy's words.

"Make yourself at home I'm going to change." They all nodded before Jade spotted pictures on the wall.

"Oh my god look at little Jadey." Perrie said as she finally realized what Jade was looking at.

"You two went to prom together?" Jade chuckled and shook her head.

"No. Mum forced us to take a picture together. I'm sure he only put it up because mum forced him to." Jade said before Beau started laughing scaring all of them. They all took turns hitting his arm.

"Sorry. It's just it took Norma like ten minutes to get us to take that picture. She got so pissed she was ready to tie us together." It was Jades turn to laugh. Beau handed her one of his large sweatshirts before continuing. "Then said she wasn't going to let you go but you weren't having any of it because you put heels on." It was all the girls turn to laugh.

"How does she still put up with you?" Jesy asked through a laugh.

"Because he's the son I never wanted." They heard from the doorway. Jade was the first to give her a hug before Beau did the same and the rest followed suit afterwards. "So you two finally figured out you were neighbors?" They nodded.

"Finally, one week more and I would have had to pay Karl a hundred pound."

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