Chapter 68

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Jess opens the tailgate for everyone to climb in. I lift Grace easily into the back of the truck. I hop up and sit, pulling her down between my legs on the bed of the truck, Annie, Ryan, and Glenn sit next to us.

"Annie, do you know if Tay's coming?" Grace asks.

"I think so. Jeremy too. Are things any better between you guys?"

"No I texted her tonight but she didn't text back. She's been ignoring me." Grace shifts, rubbing against me. Not sure if that was intentional, but it was hot.

It takes us about 20 minutes to get to the barn. It's my uncles old place so he let's us throw parties here as long as we clean up. Jenna's bringing the alcohol. She always stays to make sure things don't get too wild. We pull off the highway onto a gravel road. You can see the bonfire already. Jess pulls the truck up next to the massive barn and we all climb out.

"Hey man! We got it all set up, people should be getting here soon. Did Jenna bring everything?" Jeff asks as I jump out of the truck.

"Yeah go help her unload. Is Derek here yet?"

"He's behind the barn with Heather. I'll get him to help me." Jeff looks up at Grace as she's climbing out of the truck. "Hey Grace!" He says.

"Hi Jeff." Grace let's me help her down.

"I just want you to know, you're killing me with that skirt." I say, letting my hands fall from her waist to her thighs. The loose flowing skirt makes it way too easy. I slowly bring my fingers up underneath the hem of her skirt.

"No, no Styles. You said nothing 'till we're safe. Your words, not mine!" Grace playfully swats my hands away.

She walks towards Annie and Ryan, looking back over her shoulder at me. "You should see if Jenna needs any help, I'll be here. When you're done, come find me!"

I watch as she walks away. She's wearing a red and gray flannel shirt, with her sleeves rolled up, and black boots with her short red skirt. She's got the shirt unbuttoned low enough I can see her red lace bra peeking out. I'm never gonna make it through tonight.

Grace's POV

"Girl you look so hot tonight! Harry's dying!" Annie says, as I walk up to her and Ryan.

Annie has on blue skinny jeans and Ryan's blue hoodie. Her blue eyes sparkle next to her long black curls.

"Gracie, be careful with him OK? I know how guys are, you're not making it easy on him wearing that outfit." Ryan says with some worry. Annie hits him in the arm.

"Ryan, those two can't stay away from each other! Grace knows EXACTLY what she's doing to poor Harry." Annie reaches up and pulls Ryan down to her. She smiles and he relaxes, smiling back, and kissing her hard on the lips.

"Looks like you guys have gotten closer!" I laugh when both Annie and my brothers cheeks turn pink.

I grab Glenn by the arm and drag him away from Annie and Ryan.

"Come on let's look around. I hope Tay and Jeremy are coming."

The place is big. The bonfire's burning in front of the barn. The barn itself is enormous, although it obviously isn't used anymore. It's kind of falling apart in a lot of places. There's still a bunch of hay in what must've been horse stalls. Behind the barn is an old watering trough and farther back is an old covered well.

Wells give me the creeps, I've seen The Ring too many times.

"Sounds like more people are here." Glenn says, at the same time I hear the loud rumble of motorcycles.

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