Chapter 55

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Harry's POV

"Just one more story Uncle Harry?" Kiera says, snuggling under the covers with Khloe who's already asleep.

"No honey, you need your sleep. I gotta go talk to Lizzie. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"

"If they do, get a shoe, and beat them till they're black and blue!" Kiera says, giggling.

I put my finger to my lips as I walk out into the hall. "Shhhh".

I go to Lizzie's room but she's not there. She must be outside. Joe's asleep on the couch as I walk through the living room. As I get to the kitchen, I see mom sitting at the table. She looks sad.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"Harry, I know no one likes Joe. I feel bad that you all have to put up with him when he acts like an ass."

"Which is all the time." Mom gives me a sad look. "Sorry, maybe not all the time." All the time.

I just hate being alone. I miss how things used to be with all of us, when your dad was still here, before I got sick and ruined everything."

"Mom, Jesus, it's not your fault you got sick! It's not your fault Dad left us. That's on him. He's the asshole, and on that he's worse than Joe, and I'll never forgive him."

"I hate it that you don't speak to your dad, Harry."

"I don't have anything to say to him Mom. Listen, I know you don't wanna be alone, but you're not alone, even if you kicked Joe's ass out. There are six other people in this house who love you no matter what happens. You don't need Joe or any other guy. Sometimes you have to be alone until the right person comes along Mom." I say, thinking of Grace.

"Like you were before you got Grace back. I'm so glad you guys are together Harry. She's beautiful and I see how much happier you are." She stands up and hugs me. "Honey, you are getting so tall! You have to be six inches taller than me now!"

"You're just short Mom." I start walking towards the back door. "Seriously let me know when you're done with Joe. I'll kick him out and smile while I do it." I grin at Mom.

"Harry, be careful with Grace OK? You know, be safe?" She walks over and moves my hair. She rubs her fingers across the hickey on my neck.

"Yep, got it Mom. No sex talk right now, as much as I love those." I wink, taking Mom's hand and kissing the back of it. She smiles, relieved, and I walk out the back door.

Lizzie's sitting by the fire still, and so is Jess.

"Beat it Jess, I wanna talk to Lizzie."

"So talk." She says.

"If you don't go, I'll share a little story with Lizzie, about the bleachers at the homecoming game." I smile.

"I'm gone. See ya Lizzie!" She punches me in the arm, "Nice hickey bitch." Jess walks towards the back door.

"Back at ya! At least I only have one!" I laugh.

"So kid, what's on your mind?" Lizzie says.

"Grace and I almost had sex today. Don't worry, we didn't, and she's getting on the pill. Something happened with Grace and I need you to explain it." I pick up a stick and poke at the fire. It pops and sends sparks out onto the grass.

"OK, what happened?"

"She had just come, and she was OK for a second, then she started crying. Like big sobbing girl crying. She said nothing was wrong, she even seemed happy, but what the fuck was she crying for? I don't wanna do anything to hurt her Lizzie."

"Oh sweetie, you are so filled with love for this girl and you don't even know it. What happened today wasn't because you hurt her. Honey it's because you made her feel something so intense, and then with her feelings for you all wrapped up in that too, it's just a lot of emotion for a girl to handle. It happens sometimes after sex, or even if you don't have sex. You gave her an orgasm. It's emotions, feelings, she's got it bad for you Harry. That's a wonderful thing and it makes my heart happy. You just hold her when that happens, and it will again, and you tell her what she means to you."

Lizzie gets up and takes my hand. "Now you walk me back inside. It's almost time for Sam and Dean!" Billie gets up and follows us.

Jesus that's good to know. I was sure I'd done something to hurt her. Grace and I are amazing together. Birth control. Holy shit I can't even think about Grace on the pill. We barely have control now, if there's nothing stopping us... I smile.

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