Chapter 76

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Harry's POV

"Uncle Harry! Do you wanna see my frog painting?!" Khloe startles me awake. So loud! Why are kids always so fucking loud in the morning? They really should come with an on/off switch.

"Khloe you gotta go out of here. I'm sick and don't want you to get it. Go to school and I'll see your frog later." I roll onto my stomach and bury my face in my pillow.

"School's over Harry. Time for bedtime stories. You gonna read me one?"

What? Bedtime. Wasn't it 10:30 or some shit just a while ago?

"Come on Khloe, you shouldn't be in here. Uncle Harry doesn't feel good." Jenna says, picking Khloe up and taking her out of the room. I hear her shut the door.

I'm so hot. My whole body is wet from sweat and I just don't even care. I feel around for my phone. Where the hell is it? Finally I feel it under the covers with me. I fling off the covers and turn my phone over in my hand. It's dead.

I stretch out like a giant "X" on my bed. I just need to cool off. I shut my eyes and sleep.

Grace's POV

I feel someone sit on the bed with me. I roll over on my side to see who it is. I look up and see Bitcherson! What the hell?! I rub my eyes with my fists and when I look again, I see it's only Mom. Jesus.

"Grace you need to take these." She helps me sit up and hands me a small white round pill and two oblong orange ones.

"OK. My throat feels better."

"Good honey. Just take these than go back to sleep. I think you might be on the mend." She hands me the pills and a glass of water. I take them then drink the entire glass of water.

"If you feel like showering later let me know, I can help you. Might make you feel better."

"OK. I think I need to sleep now. It's really cold in here. Can I have another blanket?" Or how about you turn up the heat.

"You don't need any more blankets. You have a fever, Gracie. This is day three. Just sleep and hopefully the medicine will break the fever, it's been doing a good job, but it keeps coming back."

"OK." Wait. What? Day three? What's that mean? What day is it, it's still Sunday right?

So damn cold! I burrow under my blankets. Who cares what day it is. I just want to be warm.



"Grace, honey. "

Who is talking? I open my eyes and see nothing. My hair is over my face and stuck to it.

"Grace I think your fever broke honey. I wouldn't wake you but you really need to eat something." Mom is talking. OK, right, I was sick. Am sick?

"Do you hear me Gracie?"

I roll over on my back and wipe the hair out of my face.

"Yeah. I'm awake. Im starving. What time is it?" I say slightly panicked. I feel so much better. I don't want to be late for school.

"It's about 3:00. You want me to make you something to eat? Maybe you want a shower?"

Why would she get me up in the middle of the night to eat and shower? I still have 3 hours 'till I need to get up. Wait, it's light in my room.

"Did you keep me home from school?" I ask, sitting up. Gross. I feel disgusting.

"Yes of course. It's 3:00 in the afternoon...on Tuesday."


Harry's POV

I wake up to Mom and Joe fighting upstairs. Stupid fucking Joe. He needs to shut the hell up before he wakes up the girls. What time is it? I roll over to look at my clock. 5:30. OK, why are they up so early. I still have 45 minutes till I have to get up for school. I dig around for my phone, finding it on the floor by my bed. I plug it in and then get up to go to the bathroom.

Shit, I feel like I could fall over. I feel so much better though. Whatever the hell I had kicked the shit out if me. I finish going to the bathroom and get out of my sweaty gross clothes. I get in the shower, turning the water on lukewarm. I slowly wash and feel the sluggishness going away.

After I get done, I pick a black T-shirt and black jeans to put on. I get dressed then lay back on my bed. I'm ready way early. I feel like I just ran five laps around the track. I'll see if Grace texted. I pick up my phone and see it's charged enough to come on. When it turns on, the clock says, 5:30 Pm. What?

I get up and walk upstairs. By the time I'm at the kitchen, I feel like I could pass out. I sit down at the table.

"Hey there handsome! How ya feeling?" Lizzie walks over and puts her hand to my forehead.

"Well at least your fever's gone. You look a little pale honey. You still better take it easy. Don't be going over and getting Grace sick." She walks back to the stove. I can tell by the smell she's making potato cheese soup. I feel like I could eat all of it.

"Grace is sick too. At least I think so. Last text she said her throat hurt. Is it really after 5:00 pm? I thought it was morning. I got up and showered, got dressed for school." I take the glass of water Lizzie gives me and drink all of it.

"Honey it's Tuesday night! You been mostly passed out since Sunday!" Lizzie's laughing.

Tuesday? I slept through two days of school.

"Is anyone else sick?"

"Jess said her throat hurt earlier but she's not been sick like you. No fever."

"Can I have all the soup? I'm fucking starving."

"I'll make sure you get plenty. You need to go lay back down, honey, you're still pretty weak. I'll bring it down to you when I've got it done." She smiles at me from the stove as she stirs the soup.

"OK, thanks Lizzie." I stand up and go back downstairs.

I look at my phone, a new text, same number as the weird text before.

*Sorry you're sick. Give up Grace and you'll feel better.*

Grace's POV

"You mean I've missed two days of school?!" How can that be? Wasn't it Sunday when I was texting Harry? "Has Harry come over?"

"No Gracie, I haven't seen him." Mom says, taking the milk out of the fridge.

That's weird. Why wouldn't he have come to get me for school yesterday or today? I panic. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore. Don't be stupid. Go get your phone and see if he texted.

I walk slowly back to my room and pick up my phone. Mom must've plugged it in for me, it's fully charged. I look at my texts. Nothing from Harry since Sunday. I sent him a text at some point Monday, but it doesn't even make sense. I don't remember doing it. Why hasn't he texted or come by? Maybe he's sick too.

*hey* I text Harry.

I think I'll wait to see what he texts back before I ask him if he's sick. If he doesn't like me anymore.... Don't be paranoid! Why do you always jump to the worst possible thing?!

*hey back*

My heart leaps. He's still mine.

*u ok? I been sleeping since fucking sunday! fever, sore throat feel like shit. u go to school?*

*no I had the same thing. u feel better yet? I do but still weak.*

*damn that sucked. yeah better. school tomorrow?*

*yes. I miss u like crazy*

*me too*

I set my phone on the bed and go back to the kitchen. I'm starving.

"Mom, I'm going to need all our food. Seriously."

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