Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The week has seemed to drag on forever! Tonight is Homecoming, and the girls are spending the night at my house. The school is closest to me, so it's easy for everyone to just come here after. As soon as Home-Ec is done, we're heading back to my house to get ready. Kodi is meeting us at my house at 7:00 and we're going to go get food before the dance. We were going to try to go someplace nice, but decided since none of us like that fancy shit, we're just going to Happy Burger.

I have no one in Home-Ec with me, except for the new kid Jeremy. He seems pretty cool. I've talked to him a few times. He's from someplace in New Jersey, and you can hear his accent. It's kinda hot. Finally the bell rings and I get my calzones in a bag to take home. Whatever we have leftover from class, we get to take home. These were yummy, wait till Max sees them. Grace, are you going to the dance tonight?" Jeremy asks walking over to my kitchen area.

"Yeah, going with Kodi Castle, do you know him yet?" Last one in the bag. Just have to wipe down the counters.

"I think so, he's in my math class. Tall, blond guy?" Jeremy grabs the towel and starts wiping up for me.

"Yep that's him. You going?" I say as he hands me the towel.

"Yeah actually, but not with anyone, my cousin and some of her friends are going together." He says.

"Oh cool! Who's your cousin?"

"Cynthia Masterson, do you know her?" He asks.

"Um, yeah, she's in my gym class." Wow, that blows. He sure doesn't seem anything like Bitcherson.

Jeremy is laughing at me, "Not a fan I see?" He says as we walk out together.

"Oh, well, she's just not the nicest person to me, to anyone." Hope he's not mad.

"No, don't worry about it, she's not my favorite either. My Mom thought I should go since I don't know anyone yet, and so I'm stuck with her and her friends for the night."

"None of them have dates?" I think I'm in shock, I thought all of them would have dates for sure. What about Harry, he's not taking Cynthia?

"No, they want to go alone, so they don't have to stick with one guy," He's shaking his head and laughing.

That sounds right. I tell him I'll see him there, and he can come hang out with us if he gets sick of his cousin and her bitchy friends. He smiles and heads down the hall.

I hurry to my locker to grab my girls and get out of here! I see them waiting for me. Kodi is leaning against the locker beside ours, talking to Ryan.

"Hey bitches!" I say, dumping my notebook in my locker and grabbing my jacket.

"Hey what's in your goody bag today?" Tay asks trying to look inside.

"Calzones, all mine, and they're awesome too, if I don't say so myself!" I slam the locker and look at Kodi.

"So you're gonna be at my house by 7:00 right?" I ask putting my arms out for a hug.

He grabs me up and hugs me, "Yeah, 7:00, then we're going to Happy Burger. You should give me a calzone for my walk home," He puts me down, smiles, and grabs for the bag.

"Ok, just leave me two, you can have the others if you want."

"Really Gracie! Kodi gets them, but not me?!" Tay fakes a pouty face.

"Sorry!" I say. I always give in when it comes to Kodi.

Kodi and Ryan leave, and the girls and I start walking home.

Annie says, "I'm so excited to see Ryan dressed up Gracie."

"He looks good Annie, he was trying on the tux so my Mom could see if it needed any adjustments. He has a yellow vest that matches your dress." He really did look good. Annie is going to faint.

"I'm bummed that Zac didn't say anything about my note. I wonder who he's going with?" Tay says.

"I don't know, but you shouldn't worry about it Tay. I know you like him, but if he's a jerk, like Kodi says, you don't want any of that." She doesn't seem too upset by Zac ignoring her note. Still I wish she'd find someone else to obsess over.

"I know you're right. I'm still excited to go with you guys! We are gonna be the hottest girls there." Tay says.

"That's right we are! Those boys better watch out!" Annie says, pulling Tay's braid.

"Omg I forgot to tell you this! Guess what I found out in Home-Ec?!" I completely forgot about Jeremy being Bitcherson's cousin.

"What?" Annie and Tay say together.

"So you know the new kid, Jeremy, in math right? Guess who his cousin is?" I say, not giving them time to respond. "Cynthia Bitcherson!"

"What?! His last name is Masterson, why didn't we put that together?! Omg, poor guy. He doesn't seem like her." Annie says.

"No he's not at all, and he doesn't even like her. He's going to the dance tonight with the barbie bitches. His Mom's making him go since he doesn't know anyone yet. I told him he could hang with us if he gets sick of them." We're at my house. I open the door and see Ryan and Max battling it out playing Lego Star Wars.

I drop my calzone bag into Ryan's lap, "Calzones today, give one to Max, enjoy!"

We walk into the kitchen and Mom is standing over the kitchen sink eating a muffin.

"Hi girls! Tonight's the night! I can't wait to see how beautiful you'll all look dressed up." She's giving us a big mushy smile.

"Mom, why are you always eating over the sink? You could get a plate and sit down you know." I say, getting in the fridge for a coke.

"I know, but this way I don't dirty up a dish, and who has time to sit down. I have to go pick up your Dad from work. He wants to be home to see you all get ready for the dance." Mom pours cold coffee into her to-go cup and fills it with ice.

"Ok, well we're going to my room to start getting our stuff ready." I say, grabbing two more cokes for Tay and Annie. "Kodi is going to be here at 7:00."

"Ok, Maggie is going to be here at 6:00 to do your hair, so if you're showering, you better start now so you can all be done and hair dried in time." Mom says, grabbing her keys and heading for the door.

We throw our stuff down on the floor of my room and turn on Katy Perry.

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