Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"Hey," I say sliding in next to Kodi at lunch. I'm completely freaking out that he somehow already knows about Harry and me. The huge attack on me in gym today, by the universe and Mrs. Schwartz, was just last period. However, the way stuff spreads at this school, he might already know.

"Hey back." Kodi says not looking at me. OK, well, I can't tell for sure.

"I told Tay to go eat with Jeremy today. I want to talk to you about stuff." I say, breaking apart a cookie. Maybe I'll choke to death on this cookie and then I won't have to talk about this.

"OK, but listen Grace, we don't have to talk. You and I are OK. You haven't done anything wrong, and I'm not mad. I was just surprised at Harry and you in the hall this morning. Are you guys together now, or something?" He grabs my milk and hands me his chips.

"OK, let me just tell you everything that's happened, and please let me finish before you say anything OK?" I really don't want to do this.

"Yep, I'm ready. I have a good idea of what's coming but go ahead." He says.

"You and I went out on Saturday and I really had a great time with you. I don't want that to stop. I still want us to see each other." I take a drink of my water and look at Kodi. He's looking at me, eating his pizza, no expression.


"Harry and I were both late for school and we ended up walking together. He wanted to see if I was okay from Friday, and I wanted to thank him, like I did you, for helping us. It started raining, and we ran to the back door of the school, the one by the gym, because it was closer than going all the way around to the front doors. We were laughing because we were soaking wet and cold, and of course the door was locked." I break off another piece of cookie and start eating it.

This is ok, I can do this.

"He said he wanted to do something, and he wasn't going to do if I had a boyfriend. He asked me if I did, and I said no. I said no, because you and I have only gone out once, and it caught me off guard ok?"

This blows. I just want to die right now.

"Ok, so he kissed you... again. Is that what happened?" Kodi says opening his milk and taking a big drink. He's looking at me like he could care less. Really?

"Yes, and Mrs. Schwartz opened the door and caught us, then she blurted it out in gym in front of everyone." I say.

Omg, why is he so calm about this? Shouldn't he be more upset?

"I'm sorry, Kodi. Please don't be mad." I say, looking at him.

I'm glad it's all out there, and I'm glad no one else is going to get the chance to tell him. Please just don't hate me.

Kodi folds his second piece of pizza in half and takes a huge bite. I finish my cookie. Surely he's going to say something after he finishes chewing. I crumple up my cookie wrapper and take a drink. This is taking forever. I can literally hear the clock in the cafeteria ticking the seconds. Any day now.

"Did you get the Outsiders finished? I have to admit I really like this book. I have about 4 chapters left. Were we supposed to have it done today? " He says, grabbing his milk and finishing it off.

You are not serious right now! The Outsiders? This is what you want to say?

"Seriously? That's all you're going to say?" I say, looking at him in disbelief.

"Grace, what do you want me to say? You were honest with me. I appreciate that. I already knew though. I was making copies for Mr. Alderson in the office when Megan Jerome came in to pick up her shoes for gym. I heard her talking about it with Emma Lewis."

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin