Chapter 59

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Grace's POV

"I really need to shave my legs." Annie says, putting on her shoes for gym.

"What are we doing today anyway?" I'm brushing my hair and putting it up in a hair tie.

"Nice bite mark Grace. Looks like Harry's been busy." Cynthia says, throwing her stuff down on the bench, and getting in her locker.

"Oh hey Cynthia! It is nice isn't it?! Thank you for noticing! Got any other obviously jealous things you want to sling at me? We might as well get it over with now before we go out to the gym. I mean since we know you won't say shit to me when Harry's around." I look over at Annie. She winks and gives me a thumbs up.

"I don't know why you think I'd be jealous Grace Morgan. I have plenty of guys after me." She says, putting on her T-shirt.

"Oh absolutely Cynthia, there's no doubt, but Harry's the one you've been throwing your tits at for the last 2 months. He's the only one you can't get. Must piss you off to know everything you want so bad, he's giving to Grace." Tay says, walking up and getting in Bitchersons' face.

Well, I'm not sure if that was an insult to me, or Tay backing me up. I'll go with backing me up.

"I warned you Grace Morgan, remember? Should've listened." Cynthia flips her hair and walks by us towards the gym.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Annie says, looking at me.

"Oh Bitcherson told me to back off Harry a few weeks ago, that he was hers." I say.

"You should tell Harry, Gracie. That sounded like a threat." Annie says.

"No, she's just talking shit. Thanks for the save Tay."

"You guys ready to go in?" Tay says.

"Still not talking to me?"

"Bitcherson is a bitch. I'm not gonna let her talk to you like that, but what you and Harry are doing is wrong Gracie."

"Why? Yes I know we said we wouldn't have sex in high school! When I said that, I meant it! Things are different now Tay. You just don't get it. Harry's a good guy. We aren't being stupid, we're being safe." I pull my T-shirt over my head.

"Gracie, Harry's a player, he'll say anything to get you to do that. You know how he is!" Tay puts her hair up in a messy bun.

"Yes I DO know how he is! I've known him for years Tay! All you see is how he is now, what he acts like, that's not even who he is. Do you really think I'm so stupid that he could simply say some shit and I'd just sleep with him that easy?!"

"Tay, listen I know you're worried about Grace, but Harry isn't going to hurt her. I love Gracie. I would be worried too if it was another guy, except it's Harry and Gracie. The connection's always been there. It's not like they just met." Annie says, looking at me. She smiles.

"Let's go before Schwartz freaks. I don't want to talk about this." Tay walks past Annie and I, pushing through the gym doors.

"She's being so mean, Annie. She's not going to let this go." I'm pissed and sad at the same time. I hate that Tay and I are fighting. She's wrong about this.

"We'll talk to her more when we run laps." Annie says, linking her arm through mine and dragging me to the gym.

When we get out there, everyone's still standing around. Mrs. Schwartz is no where.

"I want us to work this out Tay. I hate that we're fighting." I say.

"I hate it too Gracie but Harry isn't good for you." Tay says.

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