Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When the bell rang at the end of speech, I already had my ass off the seat ready to bolt. No way I was going to get stuck possibly talking to Harry. My next class is math so I have to stop at my locker for my math book and calculator. No problems with the locker this time. I check myself in my tiny mirror on my locker door. Still looking good, but need some lip gloss. Quick I put some on and slam the door.

I'm walking through the hall on my way to math when I see Kodi, my BBF, best boy friend. He is really cute and if we weren't such good friends I might consider dating him. I think he has a crush on me. That's what all my stupid friends say at least. They also say I'm just as much in love with him as he is me, but that we're both too stupid to do anything about it. Pffft, whatever.

"Hi, hi!," I say, grabbing his hand on my way past him, turning to smile as he walks away. He really is cute.

"We're together at lunch right Gracie?" He yells back at me.

"Yep, see ya!" Seeing Kodi makes me happy. I wish he was in math with Tay and me. We do have LA together after lunch so it's not a total loss.

I get to math and Tay is already there, in the back, and she's saved me a seat. I quickly scan the room for anyone else I know. Annie is in here too. I have been friends with Annie since we were five. She lived behind us for years. I smile at her and signal for her to move closer to Tay and I.

"How was LA?" I ask Tay who is drawing hearts in her math notebook with Zacs' name inside.

"Boring," She says, after she finishes her heart. She smiles at Annie and I. "So how was speech? God I am so dreading that class. I have it after lunch. Is it as bad as I'm sure it is?"

"Well yes, it's SPEECH. So far though it doesn't seem too scary. Our first speech is just about ourselves, talking about what we like and who we are. Oh but guess who is in it with me, AND sitting right behind me?!"

"Zac!" Tay says, all excited.

"No, I wish." I say, with an eye roll.

"Hey there, check yourself, he's my man!" she says, all serious.

"No, not after him Tay, it's just that I would gladly take him over Harry Styles." I look down at my math book trying not to let them see my face.

"No way he's in that class. Really?!" Annie says, with horror in her eyes.


"Did she tell you he lives four houses down from her now? He moved into Jakes house!" Tay is laughing, but manages to get herself together just in time for the bell to ring. I hate her.

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