Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I'm next to do my speech, I just know it. I've been lucky too long. Today is Friday, and I thought I'd have to do it on Tuesday when we got back from break, but Mr. Howard just kept calling other peoples names. I'm hoping it's today though because Harry isn't in class. Caleb Boyce just finished with his. Mr. Howard is pulling a new name.

"Ms. Morgan, would you please step to the front of the class and give us your speech." Mr. Howard leans back in his chair.

I get to the front, scan the room for a place to try to focus, and start my speech. I talk about how I was born and raised in Drakesville, my brother's on the football team, I like cooking and going for walks. I tell everyone that I love coke, writing fan fiction, and 5SOS. I'm supposed to try to talk about something personal to me. I can't really tell everyone about the fifth grade since I don't remember it. I just say that when I was younger, I was in a really bad accident. I say I don't remember much about it, other than someone very special was there for me, and saved me.

Done. Back at my desk I feel like I can breathe again. Mr. Howard calls the next name, John Crawford. As John is walking up, Harry walks in. He hands Mr. Howard a note and walks back to sit behind me. Wow, that was close. I was going to leave out the part about the accident if Harry was here today.

Harry and I haven't spoken since Sunday night when Jake was over. I think he's avoiding me. He seems to be spending all his time with the barbie bitches. It used to be just Cynthia, but now I see all of them hanging on him. Whatever. It's been nice not having to worry about what he might say or do. I'm just trying to think about the Homecoming dance. It's next week. I still have to get a dress.

Just as John finishes, the bell rings. I have a math test next period, I think I'm ready. Tay and I studied last night. Annie is a brain, so she hardly studies at all. I walk out of class and turn left to go to my locker.

I see Kodi and Tay are already there. How does this happen? My class is practically across the hall from our locker, and yet always they get there before me. "Hey," I say to them at the same time Annie gets there. Wow, Kodi looks amazing today. I mean REALLY amazing. He got a hair cut and he's got jeans and a white sweatshirt on. I love it when he wears white. His blue eyes are so beautiful. I'm staring, and he notices.

Smiling, "You look amazing too, Gracie." He is my favorite thing. Tay and Annie just look confused. Yep you guys don't have our vibe. Kodi and I are so connected. Stupid CiCi walks up, trying to get Kodi's attention. He doesn't even look at her. I grab his hand, fingers interlocked. Take that barbie.

Tay and Annie are smirking, "You guys seem different lately. What's the deal?" Kodi doesn't say anything and neither do I. CiCi gives up and walks away.

"Come on girls, off to math!" I turn to smile at Kodi, and he squeezes my hand. He lets go and runs ahead to catch up with some guy. They are walking just a little in front of us. I watch him, smiling all the way to math.


So as I suspected, Mark and I didn't amaze anyone with our physical awesomeness. Harry and Cynthia won that honor, I'm sure more Harry than Bitcherson. They chose volleyball as the sport this week. I like volleyball, but mostly I like watching Bitcherson look like an idiot. She doesn't do anything athletic, other then cheerleading, and it shows. Harry and her are on the team we're against today. Tay, Mark, and I are on the same team. We've been matching them point for point the whole game.

"Hey Morgan, you ready? This one's comin' at you!" Harry smiles at me. He serves it and I smash it right back.

"You were saying Styles?!" I'm laughing at him as he fakes a saddy face. Mark returns Cynthia's pathetic hit, and she smashes it back....right into my face.

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