Chapter 23

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In gym today we have to pair up with the guys and go outside to the track. I can't imagine what this is going to be. I really want to be with Tay or Annie, why do we have to be with a guy? I am with Mark Reed, who is my neighbor, but we don't ever talk. His little brother Spencer is Max's best friend. Spencer is cute, funny and just like Max, into everything sports related. They are always outside doing something. Mark is never outside doing anything. He's a nerd, video game addict. A little chubby, and waddles when he walks. He's nice enough, but he's a socially awkward penguin.

Mrs. Schwartz tells us we have to keep track of how many sit ups, push ups, pull ups, and laps we each do. The team with the highest combined numbers will lead the rest of us in stretches for the next week, and also pick the activity we do. This is great, I love this kind of stuff, said no one ever. I should be happy to be paired with Mark, at least there's no way he'll totally blow me away with his amazing in shape self. In this case though, I don't see he and I standing a chance at winning, and it would be nice to actually be paired with a guy who's into sports or something besides his couch and X-Box controller.

Tay is paired with Jacob Huntley, he's on the basketball team with Zac, in fact their friends. She's probably dreading this too. Annie has Steven Weber, he's one of those guys who is sort of popular, pretty smart, athletic, but super nice. Hmmm, maybe that's someone Annie could like. He wears glasses and is, oh my goodness, so cute in them! Annie looks over at me and I smile at her.

Harry is paired with Cynthia. Of course. She is doing her best to get him to look at her. Stretching and bending all over in front of him with her booty shorts and tight shirt. He's not even looking at her. Too funny. He takes off his shirt and throws it down on the track. He has a tattoo on his chest, I've never been close enough to see what it is, but it makes his body even more delicious. Harry is tall and lean, you can see all his muscles working when he's shooting hoops. Ok, so maybe I've noticed this more than a few times. It's Mom's fault for getting me started burbing on the neighbors!

Remember how you hate Harry, Grace? There's my stupid inner voice. Remember how he crushed you in speech this morning, and then just minutes after, ran by and stomped your heart into the ground? Stop drooling over him and start hating him! Right, she's right. My inner voice is smart. I should listen to her more often.

"Ok everyone, get at it. You have 40 minutes to see how much you can get done." Mrs. Schwartz yells, then blows her whistle.

"Ok Mark, we got this buddy! Let's run!" Mark looks at me, then smiles. He is kind of cute I guess. We both take off around the track at a steady pace. Five minutes later, Mark is done. He's hunched over gasping for breath. "No worries Mark, I got you! Just keep count!" I guess I'll have to pull this one off by myself. I take off determined to kick ass.

Just as I'm finished with my laps, I go to count Mark doing his pull-ups. Mark get's almost one. My turn, yeah, almost one. Ok, next we do sit ups, and I am sitting on Marks feet to help steady him. I look across to see Cynthia sitting on Harry's feet. He's having no problem with this, and Bitcherson is loving every second of it. Mark falls back looking at me, "How many was that Grace?" He's breathing heavy and I have no idea how many he did because I was lost in Harry's sit ups.

"Um, that was great Mark! You did 15!" I don't know, sounds believable. My turn, Mark and I switch places. I focus on Harry, who is still going strong. I think I manage about 12 or so before I collapse.

Mark and I did horribly with push-ups as I knew we would. I did seven, he did four. Ok we're done! We both lie back on the track and try not to stroke out. I see Tay and Annie are doing the same. Mrs. Schwartz blows her whistle and tells us times up. We go up and give her the totals and walk back to the gym. All I care about at this point is showering and lunch.

After we shower Tay and Annie are telling me how they did about as awesome as me, except for running, where I was the clear winner. Their guys did better than Mark, of course. Standing in front of the mirror trying to get my hair brushed and back in my hair tie, Cynthia walks up to the sink next to me.

"I saw you looking at Harry today Grace Morgan. Wishing you were in my shoes I'm sure. He is amazing right?" She gives me a big toothy fake smile. I could smash her teeth in right now, I'm imagining it in my mind. "You know Homecoming is just a few weeks away. I'm sure Harry will be asking me, he and I have been seeing a lot of each other. I'm sure you know what I mean. Does that bother you Grace?" She is smiling at herself in the mirror. I could just reach over and push her head into the glass.

"You too have fun Cynthia, personally I wouldn't want to touch that with any part of me. I mean it has been with just about everyone in school. You know, skank gets around." I turn to look at her after I get my hair fixed. She just looks at me with a smirk.

"Don't be jealous Grace, Harry is way out of your league anyway." She says with a toss of her overly bleached blond hair.

"Oh no, I'm not jealous Cynthia, I wasn't talking about Harry." Her face goes from fake fabulous, to if looks could kill, in just a fraction of a second. I turn and leave her to her stupid barbie bitch friends, who are instantly around her, acting all concerned.

Tay and Annie are both staring at me when I lean down to grab my book bag.

"Girl you just made my whole week!" Tay says fist bumping me. We leave the locker room in search of food, I'm starving.

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