Chapter 88

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(Thanks for reading! Predictions on Harry's "Special Friend"?? Share with your friends and remember to follow me in order to read the locked chapters-by Wattpad, not me☺! Vote and comment!)

Graces's POV

"Ryan get lost, I'm trying to shower!" I yell. Ryan's banging on the bathroom door like there's a damn fire sweeping through the house.

"No normal person showers for this long! You've been in their for almost an hour! I'm supposed to pick up Annie by 4:00, Grace, and it's already 3:30." Ryan isn't giving up. I guess I'd better be done.

"Ok, OK. three minutes. I'm turning off the water now!" I turn off the faucet and wrap in a towel, then turn and face the mirror. I grab my comb and pick through my wet tangles.

When Harry asked me to go with him to get his tattoo, I couldn't wait. The tattoo he already has is so sexy, watching him get another one, just yummy. Lizzie came with us. She's awesome and I just love her cute self so much! I thanked her over and over for the beautiful locket. We were so happy about it, she hugged me close and said she considered me part of their family. That's when Harry made a vomit sound and said if we didn't stop, he was going to leave us there and go find someone to kick the shit out of just to prove he hadn't completely turned into a pussy. Something about the day being a total chic flick for him and he just couldn't escape it.

I take the towel off and look at my butterfly, a smaller version of Harry's, and underneath it, the words, "Harry's Grace", done in a beautiful black cursive font. He didn't want me to get it. We actually almost had our first real fight over it! He was afraid I'd change my mind about him at some point and then I'd be stuck with it. "Tattoos are forever Grace." That's what he said to me. Said I should get a flower or something. I told him, tattoos can be removed, even redesigned so the original is hardly there, but that for me, he and I were forever, and I wanted his name on my body to prove it. Lizzie laughed through the whole thing totally taking my side. Harry finally gave in, he said, just to shut us up, but I know it was because he knew I really meant it.

I stare at the tattoo. Really, that Clyde is an artist. Just over the top of my left hip bone, beautiful. Mom and Dad probably will shit, well, Dad at least. Mom has a tattoo on her foot with Dad's name. She can't say anything, and Dad has tattoos too. Yes but they weren't 16 when they got them. Close enough though. I wrap back up and open the door just as Ryan was about to start pounding again.

"It's all yours. Impatient much?" I smile at him and head for my room.

Harry's POV

I told Grace I'd text her when this whole Joe thing is done. I don't want her here when it goes down. He'd probably say something to her, then I'd have to bust his head open again. Well, I guess there are worse things. I eat the last of my sandwich and put the plate in the sink. I can hear Mom and Joe talking, their voices getting louder. She must've told him to get out.

"You don't really mean this Megan, you know what we have is special! How can you throw it all away because of a fight between the kid and me?!" Joe's come out to the living room.

"It wasn't really a fight though was it? You got your face pounded because you opened your fucking mouth about Grace!" Mom walks into the kitchen and grabs her purse. I give her a smile.

You got this, Mom. Let him have it. She smiles back and heads back to the living room. I continue to stand here leaning against the counter, waiting. Just say something Joe. Give me a reason.

"Seriously, Megan?! Grace .." Mom cuts him off. Damn so close.

"But it's not just that, Joe! You don't do shit around here, you drink all day and go out with your asshole buddies at night. This is EVERY FUCKING NIGHT JOE! Grace was just the final straw! Take your keys and get out." I hear her throw the keys at him.

"That bitch was asking for it! You know she and stretch have been fucking each others brains out, I was just giving her what she wanted!"

What?! I walk out of the kitchen ready to knock Joes' fucking teeth down his throat, but Mom holds me off with her hand against my chest.

"You're pretty fucking stupid aren't you Joe! Why don't you say that again... TO ME! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!" I'm trying to get around her, but she's not budging. Joe takes a step back.

"Harry, hold on, just please don't do anything." Mom's begging me not to hurt him. Not another word about Grace.

"Oh how is Grace, huh kid? I bet she's amazing right?" He laughs and then drinks the last of his beer, throwing the can at Mom.

"Mom..." I'm pushing past her.

"Joe, it's time to go! We're done! I'll pack your shit and have it out at the curb tonight."

Joe walks out the front door. "Sure, sure! I'll go! But you just wait, Megan. You'll be crawling back for more!" Joe stumbles down the step, just as Jess jumps out of Castle's truck. She sees Joe as Castle drives off.

"Oh hey, Baby! Look at you! You out whoring around with your latest boy toy? This one's stickin' around, you must be gettin' better!" Joe yells.

"What the HELL did you just fucking say?!" Jess runs up to Joe and punches him right in his broken nose. Nice.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Joe grabs Jess by the arm and shoves her into the tree, she hits her head and falls to the grass. No, no, NO! Too late, all I see is red.

"Oh Jesus. Harry, calm down." I hear Mom say.

Jeff and Derek ride up on their bikes just as Jess hits the tree.

"Whoa, what the fuck, man!" Jeff jumps off his bike and rushes over to Jess.

"Fuck, man, you need some help? Megan, what's going on?!" Derek says, getting off his bike and rushing Joe, at the same time I reach him. Joe goes down. I kick him in the stomach then reach down to hold his head so I can finish him.

"Derek, please! Harry's going to kill him!" Megan yells.

"Jeff get off me! I'm going to rip his dick off and shove it down his throat!" Jess is kicking and struggling to get away from Jeff, who has her pinned down.

Derek tackles me and Mom comes over to help him keep me from getting up. "Harry, look at me!" She turns my head away from Jess and makes me look at her.

All I see is Jess hitting that tree, over and over. I'm going to kill that fucker. No. Calm down. Breathe.

"One..two..three..four..five..six.." Mom is smiling now. No, I don't want to calm down! Joe's done.

"Get the fuck off man!" I yell, trying to push Derek off.

Derek doesn't move. Mom's still talking. "It's done, he's leaving. Jess is OK. One..two..three..four, you feel it? Feel it leaving you?" Right, breathe through it. One..two..three..four..five..six...

I hear Joe's truck start and peel out of the driveway. Jess gets away from Jeff and I feel Derek get off me. Jess is beside me, her hand on my chest.

"It's OK, I'm OK, Harry. Look! See! Just as fabulous as ever!" She grabs my face forcing me to look at her. "He can't hurt us, no one can right? Together, that's what you said, remember? Always together through everything." Jess is smiling.

She's OK. Jess is fine and Mo is fine. Joe is gone. Together. Always. I feel myself relax.

That was close.

Turning Grace- A Harry Styles FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora