Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I get through science and home-ec and my day is over. Wow. I can't believe I had two classes in a row without Harry! The universe really messed up on that one, in their big plan of ruining Grace Morgans' Sophomore year. I walk back to my locker and see Tay and Kodi waiting for me.

"Hey, am I still coming over today?" Tay asks.

"Yes my mom said it was ok." I say, getting my jacket out of my locker and throwing my home-ec binder in. "Do you need anything else?" I ask Kodi.

He shakes his head. I shut the locker and we start walking down the hall.

"It really sucks having homework the first day of class." Kodi says, locking arms with me.

"You probably won't even do it, so what's the big deal?!" Tay says laughing.

"I will, I have to. My mom said if I don't get good grades this year, she'll take my phone away."

"OMG you have to get good grades, Kodi. Serious, you can't be without your phone. Who will I have to text and talk to?!" I say, in a panic.

"Gee, thanks, I love you too." Tay pushes me into Kodi.

"Oh, you know I will always have you! You're my sister Tay! But I can't be without Kodi!" He's behind me and puts his arms around me. We're standing at the light waiting for it to turn green.

"Do you think your mom will let you spend the night this weekend?" Tay asks, just as we start across the street.

"Probably, she usually doesn't say no. Wait, though, are your sisters creepy friends going to be there?!"

Tay is my favorite person, besides Kodi, and her sisters are bad enough, but their friends are the worst! I'm not going there if they're staying over.

"Well Laken's having Reesa over, but she's not as bad as Laney!"

Tay is looking at me with big puppy dog eyes, sticking her lip out at me. I hate it when she does that. It's very hard to say no. But OMG Reesa is sooo annoying.

"I don't know we'll see how the week goes. I may need to get away from Ryan and Max." We're across the street and almost home.

I'm starving. Miss Ruthie drives by us honking. She is my favorite neighbor. She is almost 80 and always has snacks for the kids in the neighborhood. Max never misses a day, even sometimes going twice.

We walk into my house and my mom has cookies made, I can smell them as soon as we open the door.

"Hey Mom!" We all yell at the same time. My friends love my mom and dad.

"Hey there, how was your first day?" Mom says, pausing General Hospital to hear about our day.

"Well my day wasn't anything special, but Gracie's day was." Tay can't wait to share my crazy day with my mom.

"Oh yeah, and what happened to you Gracie?"

"Harry Styles is in three of my classes, it's no big deal." I say, grabbing a a plate and some cookies and plopping down on the couch.

"Right, no big deal, sure." Kodi says, laughing. I didn't realize how much he laughs at things.

"Hmm, I'm sensing something more than you're saying Gracie?" She's looking at me with her one eyebrow raised, smiling.

"She and Harry smashed right into each other on the way to LA, falling on the floor and everything!" Tay plops down beside me with two cookies in her hand.

"Oh and he was so sweet too, even offered his hand to help her up, which she gladly took. I was there, saw the whole thing." Kodi says, sitting on the arm of the couch eating my cookies.

"I hate all of you." I say, turning General Hospital back on.

They continue telling my mom all about my day. Whatever, I'm over it. Time to find out if Sonny's going to finally kill off that bitch Ava.

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